
How Old Is Too Old For A Sorrority?

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Right now I am attending classes at a community college where I live. I will be transfering to a university next year (summer or fall). I will be 25yrs old when I get there. I know they have a sororrity on campus. Sometimes it is hard for me to make friends so I thought that would be a great place to make some in a sororrity but will I be too old? I don't want to be the oldest in the sororrity so I don't know.




  1. Don't do it...if there is any type of hiearchy (which in most cases there is) you will be gettin told what to do by people much younger than you....if you join young it's good because when you are an older brother/sister you get the advantages but joining late at an older age can be frustrating. If you have a hard time making friends try a different route such as joining the student association or other groups on campus. there is much more to a university than greek life. even though personally i think it is the best part

  2. I can't answer about sororities, but when I pledged my fraternity (I'm 24 now, out of college for 2 years) my pledge brothers and I were all 18-19.  We had a 25 year old pledge with us (in much the same boat as yourself) and it was a bit weird.  We were just on different wavelengths and it was hard for anyone in the fraternity to get really friendly with him.  He ended up depledging.  I would say give it a try, but understand it might be uncomfortable at first.

  3. Chances are- you will be the oldest in the sorority, but if you can relate to the girls and get along with them, share their interests, etc, then go for it! who cares about age.

    Im my sorority (AOII) we had a girl join when she was 25. She got along great with people, hjowever there were some issues with her not relating because she had already been married and divorced, owned a dance compnay, and was very busy with her personal life, so it was hard to be around with the sorority.

    Sororities definitely take a lot of time and energy, so keep that in mind if you have a very involved personal life.

    (Although I was still in college when I got married, I took the time away from the sorority because its hard to stretch yourself that much)

    Other options for you would be to get involved in other extracurricular things on campus.

    Good luck!

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