
How Old Was You When You Moved Out??

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I'm now 18 and planning on moving out within the next 6 months, and i just wanted to know at what age did you leave home with your parents, and got your own apartment, or house.




  1. 19, got an apartment

  2. I moved out when I was 21.  I went to school full time until that point and worked also.  Then I got an apartment and 9 months later i owned my first house.  It takes alot of hard work and persistence but if you can be thristy and save you can do it young.  I am now 31 and this is the 3rd house i am in now

  3. I was 19 and in College

  4. 18 and boy was I in for a surprise. It was not the pinic that I thought it would be.  No stocked frig, no clean sheets unless I put then on the bed.  Actually no sheets at all unless I spent some hard earned money to buy the sheets.  same with everything else.  If your parents are agreeable I would stay at home get some more education to actually help you get a a job that could pay for an apartment with some money left over for fun

  5. A month before I turned 22, after I finished college and had a job

  6. I moved out my senior year of college at the age of 23. I wanted to move out sooner, but I think it was the best decision. Make sure you are really ready.

  7. How old was you?   I suggest you stay at home as long as possible.

  8. I'm moving out next summer, so 19

  9. I lived at home while in local college. My parents moved out of the house when I was 21 (dad transferred, brother bought it). So I did not actually move out until I got a full time job at 23.

    My sister graduated from high school a year early and after a year of college, and mom's opinions about her boyfriend drove her out of the house at age 18.  She dropped out of college, but as a straight A student, worked her way up in the phone company.

    You may be anxious to leave, but if you stay as long as you can and save up your money instead of spending it, you will be in much better financial shape when you do move out.  Just don't fall for a deadbeat boyfriend with bad credit that will milk you.

  10. I was 18.  I went to college.  I continued my education (which I strongly suggest that you do - especially your English skills).

    How do you plan on paying for an apartment (or even house)?  Do you have a job?  Do you have friends that you are planning on living with?  How are you going to support yourself in moving out from your parents house (you are leaving them, not taking them with, by the way)?

  11. I was 23 and a college graduate when I moved out. I had a full -time job.  If you can  Stay At Home as long as you can!! Further your education and save money ------------- living on your own costs more than you think------- so when you decide to move out you will an education and $$$ to put down on a house -- not for renting

  12. I moved out shortly after turning 20. Rented for two years,  bought my 1st house at 22, then I had to move for military reasons so just before turning 23 I became a landlord.

  13. I were 17 when I lefted home and I leaveded my parents behind because I didn't want to take them wif me.

    (I did learn proper english in school.)

    I suggest you stay in school for awhile.

  14. I was 15 and went to a boarding school where I worked all summer to pay for the next years education.

    I never went home I rented an apartment with another gal.

    If you have the ability to work and pay your rent and food costs you should move out and give your mom and dad some space and time to get to know each other again...LOL!

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