
How Old Were You When You Discovered, Santa Claus / Fairies Do Not Exsist?

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Really Young For Me.




  1. around 5

  2. Santa Claus 40   :(         ...fairies exist don't they?

  3. no messin i found out when i was 4,found presents in the garage what a sickner

  4. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY DON'T EXIST!!!!!!!!  how come you posted this, were you trying to hurt my feelings???? Santa is REAL!!! Fairies wear boots, I saw it, I saw it.........

  5. fairies do exist.

  6. i think i was about 4 my b*****d of a brother told me he was about fourteen at the time, i will never forget this.

    by the way good question.

  7. As was previously mentioned, fairies do exists. You might learn this someday. But I didn't realize Santa doesn't exist. You mean he's not real? That sucks bigtime.


  9. About 8 or 9 .



    Lol at fred87's cousin !


  10. Round 5 & I plan to let my children know around the same age..Why the h**l would I give a fat white man credit for me busting my butt to make them happy!! Sorry not happening...

  11. about 11, my friend told me, my mother hated her after that

  12. I was 11. =[

    RIP santa

    RIP toothfairy

  13. i was rather young but i do believe that parents let there children know when they are ready to accept the pact

  14. i was 11... but elves do exist. ^_^

  15. At 7 yrs old i saw my mum and dad taking our christmas presents downstairs on christmas eve...

    They told me that father chritsmas accidently put the presents in their room instead of downstairs, but it just wasnt the same...:P

    I was a corrupted child from then

  16. my parents made it fairly obvious from an early ages, lol my cousin ryan found out when he was 16 and cried all christmas day. so hilairious.

  17. 9 or 10 I copped on..

  18. i  have never believed they're real....

  19. About 5. To be honest no-one broke it to me. i Just used common sense!!

  20. I was seven with the tooth fairy, and around eight with Santa.

  21. i never really belived in any of it. not that im a kill joy i always kept it 2 myself lol

  22. What?! But...who are all those presents from?? And the money?! OH GOD!!!

  23. Children can read this you know!! Santa and fairies DO exist. If you don't believe they won't come to you. Bad luck to you when you get no christmas presents this year!

  24. 6 years old, it's a long time ago.

  25. omg


    are you telling me that all this time

    i have been getting excited for nothing

    boooo hooooooo

    so some nasty people have been lieing and deceiving me

    all this time , ohhh how will i go on

    no Santa , no tooth fairy , no Easter bunny and no elves

    what shall i do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    actually i was 7

    x x x

  26. 50, if what you're saying is true.

  27. can't remember but i didnt see the man in the moon til i was about 19

  28. think i was bout 7 yrs, world was turned upside dwn thn lol

  29. 7

  30. like 6 or 7 with santa...

    fairies exist dont they??

  31. I never believed in fairies.

    I figured out that Santa was a myth when I was around 6 or so, but pretended to believe in him until I was 10, so my parents would continue to give me extra gifts from 'him'.

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