
How Old do u have to be to buy a train ticket?

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Can u be under 18? or do u have to be over 18?




  1. You have to be over 18 and able to have ID to prove it..if under 18 you need an adult w/ a valid ID.

  2. A child over 5 can buy a train ticket. Though most staff would be reluctant to sell one to an Unaccompanied minor

    And you do not need ID to buy a train ticket - You can purchase any ticket to anywhere in the UK from a machine or booking office using cash

  3. You can buy a train ticket at any age.  If you are paying cash and buying ticket, you can buy from the age, you can speak and ask for a ticket.

    Whether you need a ticket to travel by train - this depends on the country, type of train, travelling alone or travelling with an adult.

    Most countries do not expect a child under age 5 to be charged a fare for travel by train.

  4. In The UK you dont have to be of a certain age to travel on a train by ones-self.

    Not too sure about USA

  5. First, I assume you are talking about a long distance train ride and not just a commuter special....

    Thats a tricky question.. here is what I know about an actual event.

    1)  Buying the ticket is easy.  You may have to provide identification to actually pick up the ticket

    2)  BUT.... I was told of an event where a minor boarded the train on his own with a ticket and was seated and the train underway when another conductor came along and rechecked him.

    Because he was a minor, traveling without a custodial adult and because he was not put on board by his parents, he was removed from the train at the next stop while his parents were contacted.  Apparently the RR becomes actually responsible for you (a minor) when you are put aboard. Lacking a 'hand off' from the parents your journey comes to a quick stop when they cross check your ticket, your ID and a written release from them.

    Something to know in may want to contact the RR about this before you board or else you might find yourself 150 miles away sitting in a train depo watching corn grow on the local tv channel.

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