
How Points based horse betting system works?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I would like to know, how Points based horse betting system works. Can I hope to win horse race bets through points based horse betting system?




  1. Points based horse betting system.
    With this system you give points to each horse based on the following rules, the horse with the most points will be your selection for the race.
    1. Look at the last four races for each horse. Add the two best Beyer speed figures earned in those four races together.  The horse with the highest combined Beyer score gets 4 points, the second best Beyer score gets 2 points.
    2. Look at the last two races for each horse.  And combine the lengths each horse was beaten together.  If a horse won the race it counts as zero.  A horse that won its last two starts would earn a total of zero.  A horse that lost one race by 5 lengths, and another by 1/2 length would earn a 5.5.  The horse with the lowest number in this step would earn 3 points and the second best horse will earn 2.  If two or more horses won their last 2 races then do not add points to any horse.
    3. Any horse whose trainer has a win percentage of 10% or better earns 2 points.
    4. Any horse whose jockey has a win percentage of 10% or better earns 1 point.
    5. If the race is a route race (longer than one mile) deduct one point for each horse in posts 9-12.
    6. If the race is a sprint (less than one mile) award 1 point for each horse that was within 3 lengths of the lead at each call of his last race.
    7. If the race is route race on dirt, add 1 point if the horse's last race was on the turf.
    8. Add 1 point for any horse using lasix for the first time.
    9. The horse with the most points is the horse to bet on with the following exception.  If the horse with highest amount of points is not at least 3 points higher than the horse with the second most points, pass the race.  

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