
How Quickly Will You Be Able To Spot The Political Tools?

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They come into places like YA every election year now, pretend to join the community, then start asking loaded questions that obviously push a specific agenda. I've noticed the first of many showing up tonight.

How easy are they for you to spot? And do you play along with their loaded questions? Or report them? Or simply try to add a bit of rational discourse to their spreading of misinformation?

So worse, do any of us really care that this happens too often now?




  1. Isn't it funny that the "questioners" aren't looking for answers (except the ones asking about their haircut or if they're fat).

  2. You JUST noticed that?  Tonight?

  3. I try to make fun of them, usually.

  4. I am well into my 6TH decade of life. Before I was old enough to vote I heard the same things at convention time from both sides. The Dems said the same old stuff they have said every four years and the G.O.P. will do the same. I have been on this site for a couple years and even when you provide creditable links or quotes from the politicians own mouth there are those here that are so convinced that their politician can walk on water they will not believe they are being bamboozled.

  5. As soon as I see a question, it's usually obvious who the tools are.  I like to add rational discourse to their questions.

  6. "Tool" as in paid staff?

    No.  I doubt there are very many of those around.

    But I do think there are many passionate people who do what you have discribed.  I have to some degree.  Except that I stick with the facts as I know them.

    As far as how I deal with the rumor mill, I try to get rational with them.  I know they are beyond help, but I also know there are many who read the other questions & many of these are not beyond help.

    And I don't just defend the candidate I am supporting.  I am opposed to Obama as pres, but I will correct those who try to act like he is a Muslim.  I will even scold them for distracting us from the real issues!

    On these kinds of answers, I think I get thumbs down from both sides.  From the Obama side for being against their candidate & from the McCain side for speaking out against the false rumors.

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