
How Reverse Line Moves in Baseball betting?

by Guest59136  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I have seen Reverse Line Moves phenomenon in other sports betting, but was unaware of it in baseball betting. Can you help me know, how Reverse Line Moves in Baseball betting? Please help me in this regard, as I intend to place a bet on the upcoming Baseball events.




  1. Reverse Line Moves in Baseball
    We've talked about reverse line movements in football and basketball, but haven't really touched upon it for baseball.

    Simply put, a reverse line move is when the odds on a game move in the opposite direction of the money wagered. In football or basketball, if Team A is -4 over Team B and 75-percent of the money wagered is on Team A, we could expect to see the line change to Team A -5. In a reverse line movement, the odds would change to Team A -3, which is essentially a move in the reverse direction from what one would expect.

    The same concept holds true in baseball, except we're dealing with money line odds.

    If Team C is -150 over Team D and 80-percent of the money is coming in on Team C, logic would dictate a line movement to Team C -160. In a baseball reverse line move, the odds would change to Team C -140.

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