
How Satan coerced Eve and Adam to eat the forbidden fruit?

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How Satan coerced Eve and Adam to eat the forbidden fruit?




  1. If you want to know that then the follow up story must be tolled as well.

    Back in that time Satan was known as an Angel in heaven.

    He was the most powerful yet kind angel and his glowed as the brightest angel in heaven.

    But he wanted to take over heaven as a course of jelousy upon God.

    So he went down the earth and told Eve to eat the fruit. He told her as an angel of God it was fine to take orders from him.

    So she ate the fruit and casted a horrible sin twards herself and our planet.

  2. Wasn't satan it was a serpent.

  3. He used the sin of pride and and arrogance by telling them they would be the same as God.The very same thing Satan was cast out of heaven for  

  4. The serpent WAS Satan in a different form.

    He told them they would be as smart and powerful as God.  They fell for it.

  5. According to the story, he did it by being honest with her.  Presumably, she respected this more than God's deceitful approach(He told her it would kill her).  

    Some consider Satan the "father of lies" but according to the christian myth book, he was very honest and righteous, and stood up for what he believed in (and us).  God was always killing people who disagreed with him, taking away people's free will, destroying the earth, reigning fire on villages, or some other despicable act.

    God's punishment for the snake:  to crawl on his belly forever.  I guess before that he took public transportation or something.

  6. He made it seem irresistible, by telling her she would be like unto G-d if she ate it.

  7. The  serpent   seduced   the  woman.She  had  no  name  prior  to  her  conception.Her  pregnancy  type  is  called  superfetation.Cain  was  the  seed  of  the  serpent/caveman.Now    in  answer  to  your  question.I  do  believe   the  caveman   was   influenced  in  a  spiritual  way   to  twist  the  WORD  OF  GOD  to  get  his  plan  in  motion.I  believe   the  serpent  was  seeking  a  genetic  break  through   for  his  species.I  believe   his  species  was  on  the  brink  of   extinction.This  I  cover  in  my  paper   the  third  model   creationism  and  evolution.Also   lust  could  have  played  a  role.Irregardless   of  the  why  the  serpent  did  it  the  BIBLE  shows  how  he  twisted  GOD'S  WORD   to  get  his  agenda  furthured.You  ask  can   the  devil  posses  animals?Yes   read  about  that  in  the  story  of  the  demoniac  of  Gauldera.The  demons  went  into  the  swine.Even  though   the  serpent  used  his  intellect  to  seduce  the  woman  I  believe  satan    was  influencing   his  thought  pattern.You  may  ask  why  I  say  the  caveman  seduced  the  woman  instead  of  the  KJV  word.Thats  because  in  the  TORAH    THE  WORD  IS  SEDUCED.This  is  just  a  short  overview   for  the  answer  to  your  question.As  many  more  words  do  I  use  to  reveal    this  mystery  in  my  paper.Also   they  ate  no  fruit.This  story  has  been  cloaked  in  its  wording  to  be  revealed  in  this  our  day  do  to  our  high  science.I  solved  the  riddle  of  creation  by  applying  science   to  the  BIBLE.     THANK  YOU  D'S

  8. The answer is long and detailed. You will find it in 'The Urantia Book' in the section entitled 'Adam and Eve'.  

  9. Eve was coerced with a promise, then Eve coerced Adam

  10. If that actually happened, then I am a giant walrus.

  11. Heated up the pitchfork..  and  put it to their face!!

  12. I'm a Catholic, and I see in the Bible that it was a serpent, not The Satan (There are many satans=adversaries, and Lucifer is their boss, so he is THE SATAN.) who tempted Eve. The Bible clearly says that the serpent was condemned to crawl on its belly and eat dirt after tempting Eve. That didn't happen to The Satan. Someone who said this serpent was just The Satan in disguise needs to read his Bible more. He's giving his own wrong opinion, not the Bible's here. The serpent persuaded Eve, instead of coercing her. He said she could become more like God if she ate the fruit.

  13. The same way the Elves convinced Santa to eat the cookies.

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