
How Should I Do It? Please Help?

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me and my girlfriend are 16 we have been together for the past 6 (yes SIX!) years, she loves me and i love her more than life itself, and I really mean that... i would jump into a pool of molten lava for her without a heartbeat's hesitation. but her mum hates my guts, also my other problem is that she knows EXACTLY how much i love her (not that she abuses it, but it just makes me look awfully pathetic lol) anyway I'm dying to ask her to marry me.....heeelp!!!! how should i do it? please don't be mean to me:((

PS: her mom only hates me cause I'm foreign I've never done nothing wrong, even her own friends say they have never seen anyone treat their girlfriends as nice or with as much respect and consideration, plus.... i have never pressured her into anything i have not had s*x with her yet and i waited 3 years until she was completely ready before i even kissed her, never in 6 years have i so much as looked at another girl. she knows full well that her daughter is my whole world and that i treat her like a princess cos that's exactly what she is in my eyes. I only wish her mom would see that. anyway she's just racist.




  1. if you love the girl so much go and get her like a real man. and convince her mom in some way.your juliet awaits but dude first get ingaged cause 16 is too young.have some fun with her while u can cause ur still free.dont ever let her mom stop u in the way of true love.the guy i loved, i knew him 4 like 9 years and i didnt tell him until i turned 14 now i am 15.dont lose her.i am so scared idont want to lose him.there is nothing like the first love and i dont even have proof that he cheated on aunt and cousins keep telling me they see him with her and that he went with her in a house,thats why i think that he f****** her.what do i do?i am so stuck

  2. well, i think your story is really sweet and sounds true to heart. im amazed how how successful you are becuz of your age, but it happens. unfortunately not enough guys are that smart and successful that young from this country,but anyway. i believe your feelings are sincere, and im sure its very difficult because of the mothers feelings towards you. but maybe your girlfriend hasnt told her everything and so she doesnt know the story and feelings behind the relationship. is your girlfriend backing up your character and assuring her you are good to her? i dont think she'd treat you that way if she knew your intentions and sincerity toward her daughter. it doesnt make sense that she would turn you away if she knew all this. and why doesnt she know about the last three years anyways? is she not allowed to date? in either case you should always respect the parents,but make sure your girlfriend is respecting your honor as well. as for marriage, i dont think there is an appropriate age when you should be old enough to feel you want to marry someone truly, but you should only act on it if you know that your partner feels the exact same way. dont just assume she'll fall more in love with you for wanting to marry her now, if she's loved you since you were 10, then theres a good chance she'll continue to love you further on and she'll be there for you for years to come, so dont put a rush on things. the only thing that will be different is both your names on a piece of paper. it you really want to express to her how deeply you feel, why not try a promise ring, so she knows you see her in your future. but hope everything works out for you and the situation with the mother fizzles down. just give it time.

  3. You are 16. You are not old enough to supply your family(s) needs working as just a computer tech guy.

    The best thing to do right now is talk to someone you trust, preferably not her, about how you feel and about how her mom feels. Her mother is a big part of this, and you guys need to respect that!

    You seem like a good guy, because you have never pressured her to do anything.

    So have you graduated high school yet? And where do you plan to work when you graduate law school?

    These are questions you need to think about with her and work out a solution to.

  4. I noted you mentioned that her mum doesn't even know that you guys had been together for a few years now. Though her mum is hostile to you now, it doesn't mean she will be hostile towards you all your lives. Try to spend more time together in the presence of her mum and let her feel your sincerity towards her daughter. All parents love their children (there are exceptions but that's usually the case), if they feel that their children would be happy with a certain person, somehow they would let go of their prejudice so that their children would not feel like they are caught in a dilemma.  

  5. i wish there were guys like you everywhere

    but sixteen is a little young  for marriage

    watch romantic movies to figure out the perfeect way to propose!

  6. Her mum is a ******* biaatch. She has no right to dislike you just because your different. Stuff that biaatch.

  7. 16, how would you support her, what could you offer her, and why don't you reach higher? If marriage is the answer then the question is a little skewed. I am saying, make something of yourself before you whisk her away to a life of unhappiness and what ifs.

    If you are successful in the future maybe her mum would cast you in a different light.

    Do you know what real love is?

    What happens when you see another woman and you start thinking that you have made the biggest mistake of your life, marrying so young.


  8. Just remember that your girlfriend cares about her mother and that her mother cares about her. You should just ask her mother to just sit down and have a chat with you. You are a really really nice person and i see that in your heart you will know what to do and your are so nice to your girlfriend she is really lucky to have you. However this is a problem you and her mother need to resolve. Its a tricky one because she is just discriminating for no apparent reason other than ethnicity. And for some reason its always the Mother In Law vs. The Male.

    Good Luck I know you will do the right thing...

  9. Hi,

    Wow, you both seem like you share such a close relationship- you make the rest of the world jealolus :P.

    People will always be racist- and I guess its more tough when its someone whom you want to be close with you. I would suggest you talk to your girlfriends father? Or, if thats not a possibility for whatever reason, try to be as nice to her mother as possible- even if shes undoubtedly rude to you. You can't make anyone like you, but you can make her see that her racism is based on nothing. Ask your gf to talk to her mum.

    Your both young, so enjoy what you have. Keep treating your girl, like shes the princess you know she is- even if you have a fairytale much like cinderella.

    Her mum will eventually come around, she just needs time, and a lot more experience.

    Loves never a smooth ride :(.


    BTW: make sure you dont say too many negative things about your gfs mum- coz word can spread fast, and your possible future mother in law and you, might not get on as well as you may have, had she not heard whatever youve been saying. :)

    Oh, as for the marriage question, a good friend of mine is 17, but he's waiting till her turns 18, and its their 1 year first kiss anniversary. He casually asked her during a game of truth or dare, to see if she would say yes to marriage- it wsnt a proposal, just a truth question (so he wouldnt buy the ring and feel stupid, and heart broken later). He's bought the ring, and I think he's going to do it at  a romantic dinner, and seeing as they are both SO young, there going to have an engagement period of at least a year :) I hope this helps you :) Just do it from the heart- and try and find out if shed want you to get at least one of her parents to give the nod of approval to the marriage before you ask her.

  10. well u r really sweet guy!!

    now i just got this thing to be figured out, that is what does ur girl do about this situation?

    u surely love her but u gotta know that love need balance on both sides.  i mean go nd tell your gf to work out the problems WITH U!

    btw, just ' s***w the mom" nd time will let her know u 2 r truely falling for each other :)

    good luck !!

  11. thats soo cute!

    goshh. theres no guys around here like that!

    wait, or atleast talk to her about it, i mean 16 is alittle young for marraige :/


  12. talk to her mom and try to get her to like you more be around when she needs help she start to get a better veiw of what your like when you feel like you and her mom are on an okay bais the ask her to marry you : neal take her hand and ask her to be yours forever more i love you and you know i do so will you marry me, wear something elegant

  13. As I said before, wait.  You need to be with her in the real world to know that you're right together.

  14. Sure, you guys are have dated for 6 years but you started at 10? It's still too early for you guys to think about marriage. Until you're 18 or 19, you haven't fully developed your character or know who you are. I have two friends of mine who have been dating since they were 13 and known each other all their lives (born in the same hospital. i'm so jealous) but they got married at a normal age (by normal, i mean older than legal. somewhere in their 20s, I think it was. and now they're 35 or around that figure. they're still together with two babies. and i've never seen a happier couple even though I know they had some tough times in college, on and off). Because they wanted to make sure that when they did it, it was final.

    Of course you should have waited 3 years! 10 years old aren't supposed to be off kissing everybody.

    Look, s***w the mom. Not literally though. A relationship is between two people. If you love your girlfriend and your girlfriend loves you, what the h**l else matters? You're willing to die slowly and painfully in bubbling hot molting lava for her and she knows it. But is that how it goes the other way? Is she willing to go against her mom's wishes for you? You don't have to suck up to the mom because the mom makes it clear that she doesn't like you and she's racist. That's her problem. It's you and your girlfriend now and nothing else matters as much. Am I right?

  15. wait until you live together, things will get tighter and frustrating after a while. there is a table spoon of anger in every relationship, give it a while chum

  16. that is soooo cute! and u cant rly help that her mom is racist. its just something in the brain that some ppl have and whenever they see someone different, they immediately hate and dont accept. i think ur still too young to marry at 16. if you guys lasted 6 years, i'm sure u cud wait a couple of more years to get married. anyways, her mom just has to get used to the fact, and itll take time and it mite be a pain, but if you 2 love each other this much, then im sure it'll be worth it in the end! good luck (:

    need more advice? check this out!;...  

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