
How Should I Tell Her Shes Over Weight?

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Okay, so my sister has always been skinny, like always, but recently, shes gotten REALLY big, like shes obese, and its started when she started drinking, and eating late, she has a gym membership, that she doesn't use, and my mom doesn't know how to tell her shes over weight in a nice and sensitive way. Do you have any ideas that we can say that wont be a blunt and rude as to telling her she needs to lose some weight? Please, And Thanks.




  1. Something has caused your sister's habits to change. Could be physiological or psychological. She needs to see a good doctor.

  2. Just tell her to stop eating sooooooo much cuz shes getting fat! simple as that. theres no nice way to put it!

  3. I agree with KB. Talk about your concern for her health. If she is drinking so much that she is putting on pounds, she is probably doing other damage to her body.

    Why is she drinking? To socialize and party or to escape from her worries? Something else could be going on.  

  4. I'm sure she knows. Why don't you just invite her to the gym with you.

  5. Tell her she has been gaining weight lately and that it is unhealthy for her.

  6. I agree with the person who said it could very well be psychological or physiological. Depression can make you gain weight fast. She should see a doctor.  

  7. If you cared about her, and she cared about you, and she knew that, she would not be hurt if you told her. You are only looking out for her, so tell her in a nice way. Say, "We should go to the gym someday!" or just flat out tell her. She needs to hear it from somewhere, and if it really bothered/worried you and your mother, you have to tell it to her.  

  8. Tough situation, I agree with the other person though, ask her if she'd like to go to the gym with you. My mom is overweight and I don't know how to talk to her about it either! lol.  

  9. tell her that YOU want to go on a diet and start working out, and you would love it if she would do it with you for moral support. then she doesnt get offended but still does it.

  10. Instead of telling her she's overweight, why don't you ask her if she wants to go to the gym with you.  That way she can lose weight and you can spend time together.  

  11. Start the conversation with, "I'm concerned about your health..."

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