
How Should Me and My boyfriend build a strong and happy relationship?

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We have been going out for two years and already have a baby....i know we started early. But it happened! i love him and I want to be with him but i want to have a strong relationship with him and i want us to be happy too. But are life is getting a little dull and i want to feel that good feeling again but i don't. Its gone what should I do? Or we both do to spice it up a lil?




  1. You have to both contribute, it can't be just one or the other.  Unfortunately, when people are together for a significant amount of time (2 yrs isn't that long yet), things do get dull.  Unless you're one of the Harts on the TV series "Hart to Hart".  It happens to everyone.  This is why movie stars run from person to person; there is a desire for instant gratification and feeling good, but real love takes work.  Period.  Find someone that disagrees with that and you've found a liar.

    You shouldn't look to a person or a relationship for happiness, either.  Happiness is a choice you make for yourself.  

    But, if you want a strong relationship, it takes: communication, commitment (not just that either, it's sometimes a doggedness that says,"you know what?  I'm sticking by you no matter what, no matter how bored I get or how ugly you become to me".  It also takes humor and a willingness to lay down your life and your desires for the other person.

  2. Set aside time for you guys. I mean really set aside time. Not just when you both happen to have a few minutes... plan it. And do something that you guys love to do together. Dont go shopping, dont do laundry... you can do those things whenever and thats how it starts getting dull. Have dinner together just the two of you, without TV. Go see a movie together. Go on a walk together. You can even do that with your baby! If you just set aside time to show each other that you both care, it will make a huge difference. When it starts to feel like a convenience relationship over a loving relationship, thats when it starts to suck. bring the romance back! =)

  3. The key is communication. You have to be able to talk to your boyfriend and he with you. Then you can work out anything.

  4. you should belive both as desire for your life .doubt you should take out from mind...always then only u can able to find a day of happy...

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