
How Should i react to the catholic church with all it's changes?

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Dear Catholics and Christians?

I am sure that you have noticed drastic changes in the catholic church and Christianity at large. I am very saddened over the changes and bad reports. I am so sad that i haven't gone to the catholic church for weeks now. I do not know what to do. I feel like running away from the church. But i still want to keep my catholic faith. The problem is that the catholic church changes are being made by our priests, bishops etc and you cannot fight against them plus the don't seem to care for their actions. Can somebody please advice me what to do?




  1. Nothing has really changed. Where do YOU plan to go?:

    Joh 6:65  (6:66) And he said: Therefore did I say to you that no man can come to me, unless it be given him by my Father.

    Joh 6:66  (6:67) After this, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him.

    Joh 6:67  (6:68) Then Jesus said to the twelve: Will you also go away?

    Joh 6:68  (6:69) And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.

    Joh 6:69  (6:70) And we have believed and have known that thou art the Christ, the Son of God.

    Joh 6:70  (6:71) Jesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve? And one of you is a devil.

    The authentic Catholic faith will never disappear from this world. We have Jesus' word on it.

    Priests and even bishops don't necesarily constitute the authentic faith. The truth of Catholicism comes from God. It is widely known and understood, if not universally respected and appreciated.

    And while things may get "muddy" from time to time, if you know and love God, pray, and regularly avail yourself of the Mass and the sacraments, you really have nothing to worry about.

    Canon law 212 does indeed give every Catholic the right, and event the duty to "fight" against abuses in the church:

    Canon 212.3 states: "According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, [the faithful] have the right and even the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of the faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons."

    So ... quit despairing, and get busy. Learn what the authentic Catholic faith has always taught. Contend for it everywhere. Correct heretics. Pray for them. Pray for me, and I'll pray for you.

    Visit my website for links to the best of the last 2000 years of authentic Catholicism:

  2. Don't allow man to get in your way of a relationship with God. Read the Bible, and find any fellowship of Christians that you are comfortable with, whether it is another church or a smallgroup or whatever. I recommend a church because there are many important aspects of churchgoing, but it need not be Catholic as long as they believe in God's Word. Hope this helps.

  3. An institution should change with the times.

    Would you really be happy if the church had never changed?

    What if it was still promoting crusades?

    Or witch burnings?

    The torture of accused heretics?

    Selling indulgences?

    Selling bishopships?

    Change is good.

  4. As someone already suggested, try an Evangelical Church.

    The Eastern Orthodox Church figured out in 1054 that Rome was corrupt so they split off away from them.

    Martin Luther figured they were corrupt in 1517.

    William Tyndale figured out they were corrupt when he was burned at the stake for the crime of translating the Bible into English.  Why was this a crime?  Once the people read the Bible for themselves they will no longer support a religion which does not follow the Bible.

    Can you guess which religion that is?

    Here is a historically accurate message in 9 parts about the Papacy.

    Each part is between about 5 1/2 and 9 minutes in length.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

    Part 4:

    Part 5:

    Part 6:

    Part 7:

    Part 8:

    Part 9:

  5. I'm Catholic and I'm not sure what you are talking about? What changes are being made by our priests and bishops?

    I know of some parishes are that not true to the Catholic faith as they should be, but that never keep you from mass. The mass, consecration of the host is valid, and there for us.

    If you have a problem with a certain parish, see if you can find another. Don't stop going to mass, the sacrament of the Eucharist is necessary for your soul.

  6. You can't do anything about it ,accept it and move on with your life .

  7. What changes are you talking about?

    The Church has issued no major changes. Some parishes may have gone haywire after Vatican II and your new bishop and/or priests might be setting things to rights, but it's not the Church that has changed.

    What bad reports are you hearing? I want to answer your question, but I think you need to be more specific.

  8. You can still be a Catholic and not go to Mass, just pray  

  9. <<I am sure that you have noticed drastic changes in the catholic church and Christianity at large.>>

    No. . . . . ?

    <<I am very saddened over the changes and bad reports.>>

    What "changes" and "bad reports" from whom?

    <<I am so sad that i haven't gone to the catholic church for weeks now. I do not know what to do.>>

    Already I can tell that what's changed isn't the Church - it's you. You're the one who has stopped attending Mass. And you are the one feeling the spiritual emptyness from it. That's why you're sad!

    Want to know what to do - start going to Mass again.

    Not going to Mass, for what - out of spite? You're only hurting yourself, not the Church.

    <<I feel like running away from the church.>>

    Okay - we get it. You're not liking Catholicism right now but, so far, you have not made your case as to why you feel this way.

    That's right - you have NOT made your case. You made a vague reference to alleged "changes" - without going into specifics. Not good.

    <<But i still want to keep my catholic faith.>>

    Attending weekly Mass is a precept of the Catholic Faith; always has been, always will be. If you're not going to live the lifestyle of a Catholic, by attending weekly Mass (among other things), you can't keep your Catholic Faith.

    <<The problem is that the catholic church changes are being made by our priests, bishops etc and you cannot fight against them plus the don't seem to care for their actions.>>

    WHAT CHANGES?!?!?! You keep talking about "changes" but you haven't provided any specifics. Therefore, your claims pertaining to alleged changes has no credibility.

    Also, the Church is not a democracy. It is a monarchy - with Jesus Christ as High Priest and King. So what's all this talk about "fighting"? Fighting whom? Why? Again, no details.

    <<Can somebody please advice me what to do?>>

    Yes, for the love of God - provide some details!

  10. We all need to stand approved before God, workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. I actually studied to be a nun once. Then I read the Bible. Then I became a Christian after getting born again and never looked back. That was over 30 years ago. God Bless and good luck.

  11. The books you need to read are "Peter Lovest Thou Me?" by D. Le Roux,One Hundred Years Of Modernism by Fr.Dominic Bourmaud and Open Letter To confused Catholics by Marcel Leferbve.

    I will not comment on the clergy and religious as they are consecrated and ordained and must be treated as such. Not to mention scandal to the unlearnt needless to say the unqualified.

    God bless,    

  12. Catholic church believes in trinity a concept that was introduced about 600 years after the raising of Jesus (pbuh.) The bible is a book , much like the Catholic religion, that is constantly changing.

    I say turn away from Christianity all together.

  13. Try worshiping God in an evangelical Protestant church. You will not be disappointed.

  14. I do know what you mean.  I'm not Catholic, but there was a time when I only attended Catholic services:  I found the music, the Latin liturgy, the whole contemplative attitude of the Tridentine High Mass so moving and so congenial that I was seriously thinking of converting-.  Then came Vatican II, ugly and trivial music, the pointless turning around of the altar, the bare mundanity of the vernacular mass, the intrusive and presumptuous "kiss of peace."  I've never gone back.

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