
How Smart is 139 IQ?

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Is that okay?

I am from England, so I don't really know about IQ?

Is it smart, because that is my IQ




  1. It depends on the type if IQ test. The ones in magazines etc or the ones on the net often have a hidden agenda and make the tests purposefully easy so you get a high score.

    If you really want to tests yourself do the Mensa IQ test. This is quite reliable.

  2. According to the general IQ Chart below, you are "moderately gifted" which is smart.

    1-19 Profound Mental Retardation

    20–34 Severe Mental Retardation

    35–49 Moderate Mental Retardation

    50–69 Mild Mental Retardation

    70–79 Borderline Mental Retardation

    80-114 Average Intelligence

    115-129 Bright

    130-144 Moderately Gifted

    145-159 Highly Gifted

    160-175 Exceptionally Gifted

    Over 175 Profoundly Gifted

  3. It means that you would be a borderline genius....140 gets you into Mensa

  4. Quite smart, but you should keep in mind that the standard IQ test relies a lot on Pattern recognition, if you are predisposed to being able to see patterns you will have an artificially high score and if you have trouble then it will be artificially low. The cognitive aspect of the test is quite small and as such it is not held is high regard anymore.  

  5. Quite smart
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