
How Software companies get clients and projects?

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How Software companies get clients and projects?




  1. You write a letter to the local newspaper and the Wall Street Journal.  Whenever they mention new software i check it out.  Also PC Magazine loves new software and will check you out.  THey are tough if you have flaws.  Can you handle it? /

  2. They use the same methods that most other people use.  That is to say, they find interested leads, then work on converting them to customers over time.  Depending on the value of the software that they are selling, they will spend a lot of money on a qualified lead, then spend time with the potential customer in a bid to turn them into customers.

    Here's a quick example.

    XYZ software is selling software for US$25,000 or more per installation.  They need serious leads (potential customers who are qualified).  They may contract others or use in-house employees to prepare small PPC ads for Yahoo search ads, or Google adwords.  (these are the ads you see on the right side of the page when you do a search on either of these search engines.)

    XYZ Software will bid high on the search terms like "accounting software" for example, up to $5.00 or more per click.  Once a lead/interested person fills out a form on XYZ's  landing page, with phone numbers, etc. then XYZ has a qualified lead.

    XYZ will then  follow-up with that person until they make the sale.  If XYZ was selling a cheaper software for say $997.00/ install,  they would not pay so much per click as it would not be worth it. This is just one example though. There are lots more.

    The Seller could use the same methods off-line as well, in trade magazines, news pagers, and other people's websites, as long as the people who will read their ads fall within their qualified market, example CEO's and Accountants.

    I hope that helps,


  3. If the clients wants the project then the companies make projects for them

    The clients may be shopping center's owner for which he wants the software for cash tally.Banks need software to keep the database of their customers and ATMs etc

    In this way they approach the SC

    The companies get clients by promoting the company.The more the company famous the more the clients.

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