
How Strong Is A Toothpick?

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Well, you see i have a science fair project on:

How Strong Is A Toothpick? and i need some information and GOOD ONE'S my teacher is so STRICT! i've looked everywhere on the internet! But STILL NO Answers!!

P.S. Yea, Im in The 7th Grade.




  1. ok i got it ready? take 2 toothpicks, 2 forks, and a salt shaker, inter twine the 2 forks putting one forks blades thru the others,now u have one long piece ( Which is the 2 forks put together) now insert a toothpick as close to the middle of the 2 forks where they are intertwined, take the other tooth pick and insert it in the hole closest to the middle of the salt shaker, now put the very end of the poined end of the tooth picks together an the forks will balance out and stay up off the table. If u do it perfect u can even spin the forks around the salt shaker only on 2 toothpicks!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You should try to put weight on the toothpick and see how much pressure it can take before if breaks.  For example: weights from a cooking scale or chemistry scale.  Start with a couple of ounces of weight and work your way up to pounds.  That should tell you the pounds of pressure a toothpick can handle.  Make sure that the toothpick is standing and not flat!!!

  3. Toothpick are usually made of birch, which is one of the strongest wood in elongation.

    A round toothpick is 1/16 of an inch in diameter (I just went and measured one to be sure), which means that it has a cross section of 0.003 square inch. With the modulus of rupture ranging between 6400 and 16900 lbf/in^2 (see link--there is a lot of variability in wood) this means the toothpick should be able to support being pulled *straight* with a force of 20 to 52 pounds before braking.

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