
How THICK is this "reporter". Should he ever be employed as a commentator again ?

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I´d sack him in a flash. He may well be sorry now but it´s quite clear that for a supposed "journalist" he lacks the basic communication skills.

His excuses make it worse. " I honestly thought I was being descriptive"




  1. Sacked from the BBC, more chance of seeing god.

  2. I would call it a very unfortunate slip of the tongue. Bad judgment and quiet crude- yes. Reason to fire - no.  

  3. Should sack him straight away


  4. It doesn't seem a big deal to me. Sports reporters must be given a wider range than informative reporters have. It's what makes you listen to them instead of the their competition. Somebody laughed at that comment guaranteed.

  5. The guy is a total loser and should be fired and barred from working in any news agency in any capacity. He is only apologetic since he was caught and learned of the reaction. Descriptive my a$$. For that comment to even occur to him, denotes a lack of any common sense or decency.

  6. Complete idiot. He should be sacked right away.

  7. Since it was live, I'd give him a pass. It's not like he compared a world leader to Hitler. He didn't fabricate a story out of thin air about racism or homelessness. He didn't involve himself in one of hundreds of slanderous accustaions that occur every day in the media from people who actually take the time to write their articles. He screwed up! Get over it. You s***w up every day by not turning off this trash you fill your minds with.

  8. Can't be bothered clicking but ur talking about the "Spanish Airline" footie commentator

    Yes he is a k**b the media is full of k***s

  9. he should be sacked  

  10. What an idiot. Should be sacked immediately.  

  11. d**k Head springs to mind

  12. Terrible but I did laugh when I read it.Sorry.

  13. How exactly is that comment being "descriptive?" It's not, thats a pathetic attempt at excuse and the bloke shouldn't have his job, you're right. Never mind apologising, if the best "reason" that you can come up with is that, then how much do you mean the apology??

  14. Sadly coming from where you and I do we have seen this kind of hurtful crassness for many years.

    Gallows humour is one thing but this is unacceptable.

    Sack him . Just hope the people affected don't come to hear of it .

  15. His reply is, 'If people are offended by what I said, then of course I apologise but I never intended to offend anyone.' Meaning, he still doesn't think it's offensive, and it's other peoples' fault for being over sensitive. That seems to be the common attitude these days. Like, what? Not my fault, you're being touchy, can't you take a joke?

  16. The BBC should sack his sorry a55.

  17. I agree with you 100% there is no excuse for that kind of commentary the man is obviously an idiot, I too would sack him, his remark was in the poorest of taste.

  18. The blighter should be flogged with a cat of nine tails and put in the public stocks for at least a week. Or next year send him to Spain for the running of the bulls as a participant, if we're lucky he will get gored by one of the bulls.

  19. "Immediate sacking offence is that"! (Richard Cranium indeed) What a total tosser.

  20. Freudian slips reveal a lot about people and the way they think! He should be dismissed immediately for professional misconduct.

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