
How To Attract A DECENT Guy! ? ?

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I'm nearly 17, And yes I'm young blah, blah. But even though i have no problem getting guys its always the wrong kind, And when i wont have s*x with them they go off and find a girl who will. My friends say its the way i look that seems to attract losers, but i don't understand as i don't dress provocatively at all. I was just wondering where have all the good guys gone!? I usually go for guys that are a year or 2 older than me, because boys my age are so immature. I feel completely ready for a serious relationship but i can't seem too find anyone else that is! How can i tell if a guys using me?




  1. You already know the answer - the guys are immature at this age - even 2 years older - and they want one thing.

    You might be ready for a serious relationship - but they're not - not at 17.  Wait until they're around 27-30.  Then they will be serious.

  2. make sure your make-up soft and subtle

    dress very feminine( wear high heels and flowing skirts)

    show some cleavage wear a coop neck blouse or a low cut v neck shirt.

    jewelry lots and lots of jewelry.

  3. travel round the world, become interested in art and sculpture

  4. Act smart, talk smart... idiot guys never go for girls like that!

  5. You should spend more time with men in their late 20's and 30's if you are looking for a serious relationship.

    Teen grrls who have seriously adult men seem to be a lot happier, I keep seeing it over and over again.

    You should dress like you are a professional woman to attract the best men, like you would dress for a job interview.

  6. decent guys are super hard to find, just dont go looking too much and you'll find one eventually. simply be nice and not a w***e yet still not prudish. just wait.

  7. it seems to me that you have never been in a serious relationship try taking advice from someone who has most guys want one thing s*x but lets face it when you get older and find the right one because he will come along then u get married the way to find out the answer to last question find out what level he is on and bounce off of that

  8. be yourself

  9. You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the right guy, just don't make the mistake of marrying one.




  11. byu

  12. Hello dear I am 48 and a man so I am not coming on to you but my thoughts would be that if you just be your genuine self,"charming, honest, witty and save yourself for marriage you will find the gentleman you deserve.

  13. You should actively seek out guys that you think are sweet and nice and turn them onto you instead of waiting for a******s to hit on you.  Just because they want to have s*x doesn't mean they want to use you.  However if all the things they do are to get laid then they might be insincere.  If they do honestly have fun being with you and appreciate you then they're probably genuine.  

  14. you've just gotta wait for it i had to wait a long time for me to get a good guy they are out there you just have to find them just keep thinking the wastmans you go out with, the closer you're getting to finding the true guy just wait the time WILL come trust me and when it does mess it up just be patient

  15. well maybe you give boys the impression that s*x is all your after? Next time your dating, when flirtig or the subject of s*x comes up keep it to minimum, tease them but let them know your desires love. If they run away its their own fault anyways you will find someone

  16. Be decent yourself. It works.

  17. Do you have any close guy friends that don't have any romantic interest in you?  If you do, you should take their advice into consideration when you meet a new guy.  I'll tell you why.  Every single time I have told one of my close girl friends "Hey, I'm warning you, that guy's an a*****e", I've been right.  Girls seem to be blinded by unknown factors when choosing who to date, and then end up disappointed later when they turn out to be a prick.  Just be sure the person you're asking for advice doesn't really want to date you secretly, because then his answers will be biased.

    If you're not a superficial person, you can find lots and lots of decent guys, but they may not be a 9/10 on the hottie scale.  This is the problem with most younger women (and men).  The first thing they look for is physical attractiveness.  Gotta be the best!  And then they try to justify a c**p personality because of it.  Not a good formula for a relationship, great formula for s*x, which is apparently not what you're looking for.

    Most "nice/decent/whatever you want to call them" guys will be more shy than their douchebag player counterparts.  My advice is to approach some guys yourself that you think might be interesting, but may not be so forward as to go to you.  I don't know what you look like, but you may be one of those girls that a lot of guys feel is too attractive to try with.  Those types of attractive egirls (even if they don't act or dress like it) will attract the wrong type of man.  The guy that's just going for the best physical interaction he can find.

    Good luck.

  18. You are at a tough age. More mature than guys that are the same age and still too young to date more mature guys. I know that it's not what you want to hear but, all (most) of the guys your age can think of nothing but s*x. You are doing the right thing by not being a s**t. I don't care what they say, they really WON'T respect you after. Be patient and the word will get around that you don't put out and the good guys will start coming around. The guys that want nothing but s*x now will be looking for someone that hasn't been with every guy in town when they start getting serious about a mate for life. Hang in there. You will be glad that you did. Good luck.

  19. I've got news for you, 19 and 20 year old guys are just as immature. But it's harder to find decent guys, because they're not the one's that are gonna be going to the clubs and bars, those are the guys who are just looking for ***. Ur still in school, find a nice guy there.  

  20. well, we decent men are pretty hard to find....

    we are confident of who we are and we're not the ones who you usually see despretely trying to grab your attention...we're not like that...

    sometimes, when we talk to a girl, it's not mainly to attract her or to make her like us.....

    when i talk to a lady, when i compliment her, it's genuine...and girls appreciate that.

    and you'll know through time.....

    it takes time to know a person, so don't be afraid to take risks, just guard your heart, don;t fall to quickly...see through the bullshi* and the takes time to know what a person really and truly is..

  21. Just ask them to go to a movie or hang out at the mall casually, and be good friends. When he knows he can trust you, he may warm up. If you feel the same way, then you know it's gonna work out.

    Using you - asks you to buy stuff, only hangs out with you to gain popularity, asks you things that make you uncomfortable.

  22. act like a hoe or if u r talkin to someone tell him u are talkin to someone else and then they will want u it happens alot but again u r 17 so am i... i'm in a serious relationship do me a favor and have funn yeah i love him but d**n after 2 and 1/2 years of just the same person when u r young is kinda boring i mean we love each other and we have been through h**l to be with each other sometimes i wish that i was still single cuz girl its funn and all but when u see a fine guy in the store and y'all are flirting (that's not cheating) and he ask for ur phone number u almost want to die when u have to tell them look i have a boyfriend so if and when u get in a serious relationship take things slow and if he loves u he will wait trust me i have been with mine for this long and he still ain't got any from me!

  23. define decent..

  24. date one of the immature guys, you might be surprised

  25. Go to a good church, that's where I met my husband. It's the best place to meet a good guy. (Not that it's the only reason to go to church of course!) If a guy is using you, you should be able to tell from the very beginning. He may only talk about your looks or he may stare at your chest or butt. Also, a good sign is the guy seems fake, like he's not genuninely into you. Two years older than you might not be a good idea, sure they may be a little more mature but they may also be more experienced and expect more from you physically. I know you don't want to hear it, but go for someone who is about 17 or 18 because they'll be more on your level.  

  26. At your age, if you want to find a decent guy you are going to have to find someone that you are friends with.

    Get to know them BEFORE you try to form a relationship.

    Yes, it takes longer, but you aren't in any rush and the quality of the relationship you achieve with be worth it.

  27. well a nice guy and would never treat girls like that...but itz depressing cuz even tho im nice i get no where. And actually i cant understand why girls go 4 the a*****e  type guys........they usually dress "rap" style or watever so u can see by that usually

  28. Most guys your age are looking for 1 thing. Be true to yourself and dont change for other people.  When you stop looking for Mr Right, that when he shows up.

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