
How To Attract Aquarius?

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  1. Aquarians love the unusual and different so much. They are usually drawn to unique people who stand out from the crowd. Also, appealling to his intellect would be a way to attract him since Aquarians are normally extremely intelligent people. I would suggest start out becoming his friend first. Aquarians adore their friends, and later on, who knows? It could lead to something else.

  2. If you just want to attract them for a short period of time... just walk by looking s**y!  Aquarians can't pass up an opportunity... If you're looking for more of a long-term attraction, flirt, but at a distance... they LOVE the challenge.

  3. -Be well informed

    -Watch the news and know about current events

    -Speak your mind

    -Be independent

    -Don't whine or act like a victim

    -Do your own thing

    -Think independently

  4. I'm an Aquarius and to get my attention all you have to do is make me laugh. Simple

  5. Be smart.

    Make them laugh.

    Show them you're talent or impress them.

    Always be updated on anything.

    and of course, Be Yourself.

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