
How To Backup Files For Full System Recovery?

by  |  earlier

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I want to do a full system recovery because the performance of the computer seems to be getting worse. I want to know is there any way to internally save and keep all my files and documents when i do the system recovery? I think that before, if i put the files onto a specific folder, it doesnt get erased. Any advice?




  1. Do you realise when reloading windows you will loose all your programs you have installed and updates.  

  2. You will need a system recovery application. I use Acronis True Image Home

  3. go to control panel/system & maintenance/back up youy computer

    Then u need to restore your settings & restore from back up in the 1st function ..vice versa

  4. If you are just talking about your music and stuff, have you thought of using a web storage site. I use and you get 50gb of storage for free. It's great if you pc ever f***s up and you need to do a complete recovery cos you will never use anything plus you can pick up the files on any pc.

    Hope this helps

    tracey x*x

  5. get a external hard drive and save all your info on it.

  6. Hi it sounds as though you really dont want to lose your files, so get a backup in place asap, an easy way is to use the windows back application create your backup template, then run this can either copy onto a CD or external hard drive, cd's are probably better as you can create multiple copies in case one gets lost/damaged, and when you need to back up the next time you simply run the backup template you created earlier, it will even allow you to back only changed files, which cuts down on backup times, it's a great little utility.

    Your computer could do with a repair & clean up by the sounds of it, to run the repair, boot from your system disk and then select the recover console type login and then chkdks /r

    read more below about backups

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