
How To Be active???Help Me out i wanted to be active?

by  |  earlier

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PLease HElp ME!!!!! I AM SO SHy THats WHy...




  1. enrol for either dance or drama classes. you will get over shyness, and be comfortable in your own body.  

  2. Well I know what that feels like because I was once there. But I soon realized that's not even what I wanted. So I went out for Crews for the Plays and it turned out I had fun doing those. So my advice is go out for a play if you like to act or if you want to have fun times that will last forever sign up for crews for the shows. Or if you like to play a sport try out for it. Listen to your heart. Let that be your guide. I am sure what ever it is your gonna do you will have a blast doing that.

  3. YOur PRobLEm IS... WHy? YOU'RE SO SHy THats WHy... How To Be active??? I'll Help YOu oUT to BE acTIVE.


    Move around, get off the computer!! Stop watching TV all the time. Don't just sit in a chair. Stand up when you do various things.

    Cut down on any of these activities each day by 20 minutes. And every day in those twenty minutes, exercise, go out with your friends, etc.

    It's good to have a friend or family member trying to get active along with you. You will have more confidence and if both of you have the same mindset, you will act as a motication towards each other.

    Just remember whenever you go to sit down for long periods of time the exercise you could be doing. The more the better!

    Persistence is the key! Don't just stop after a week or two and think that you'll be active for the rest of your life. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.


    If you change your habits too quickly it might be too much for you, that's why I suggest the gradual process.

    THinGs You'LL nEEd

    An open and willing mind.

    Some new clothes to look presentable.

    Various toiletries like deodorant, shower gel etc...

    And the MOST IMPORTANT thing you need is.................. Time!!!

    WHat aRE yOU StiLL waiTING For? GET oFF THe cHAir and gET MOVing!!!

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