
How To Call Ghosts And Make Them Talk To You?

by Guest32478  |  earlier

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Thanks in advance for your time. I hope to find some interesting answers.




  1. He's right about the Ouija Boards. You have no idea when a vicious, sarcastic ghost will turn up.

    And if you do want to use the ouija board, and you find that you have to help the ghost push the stylus, don't worry. You only think you are moving it, but it's really supernatural.

  2. You need a battery-operated cassette recorder, and a new c60 cassette.  Do this late at night.  Shut off the electrical power to the house at the source -- spooks do not like 60-cycle AC electricity.  Turn on the recorder.  Ask your questions one at a time.  Allow adequate time for each answer.  Go through your questions several times (I hope you memorized them, since unless there's moonlight, you're sitting in the dark).  Later, you can listen to the answers given.

  3. I can't say that it will call a ghost or rule out hallucination but the book "Reunions: Visionary Encounters With Departed Loved Ones" by Raymond Moody, M.D. will provide instructions on having an experience.

  4. I think that the best aproch is to ask for them to step foward and tell you there story.

    I think that a lot of investgators tend to force them out, and I am not a person you can force to do anythind, are ghost the same??

    I think that if a person shows respect then they are more likely to have a success full night!!

    I also think that the hour of 3 helps!!

  5. I wouldn't attempt to conjure up anything! You might get more then you bargain for.

  6. Whatever you do

    DO NOT use OUIJA board..The problem with the Ouija Board is that when you use it, you have no idea who or what you are going to contact. They are very dangerous,.

  7. You can't make them do anything, there totally useless.

  8. You could try asking them to come to your dreams.

  9. Maybe you call them by snoring sounds.I notice  many who see them do it right before going to sleep and right after waking up.So ghosts must be attracted to beds or sleep areas in general.That's the only logical explanation..

  10. Well, since the ghosts are things of your own creation, I suppose you could make them say just about anything you wanted them to.  Or you could record yourself asking questions in an empty room and then manipulate the tape in such a way as to create something that may or may not sound like a word or phrase.

  11. For many years, the late psychic Peter James led tours on the HMS Queen Mary in Long Beach, California. He tried, mostly in vain, to get the various individuals who inhabit that ship after death to speak so his tour could hear them. Unfortunately, the only people who could hear them were those with abilities similar to those of Peter, including a lady with whom I've been working recently.

    Some do have the ability to hear the deceased - they are known as 'clairaudient mediums' traditionally. In the most advanced form, they are able to bring through the actual voices of the dead. This is a highly controversial area, especially since it seems it takes a special type of person to do it successfully and verifiably.

    What we have discovered on our recent projects is that communication is a two-way street, just as it is in the world of the living. There must be someone there willing to communicate. Often this is not the case, hence no communications. Also, the medium must be sufficiently skilled and experienced to facilitate the communications without their own perceptions getting in the way. This is far more difficult than it sounds.

    But, if you get it, and if they are of high quality, you cannot believe the feeling of actually communicating in real time with someone deceased over a century ago.

    For those without availability to a gifted individual, I can suggest that there are occasionally 'rapping' techniques that work in active environments. You are dealing with interactive individuals. Think of them as living, for in many ways they seem to be so. They have feelings, emotions and memories, although they can be highly selective.

    Try to establish a code, such as one rap for 'no' and two for 'yes'. Test for random natural events by asking the individuals to rap a specific number of times at a specific pace such as "please rap three time fast". If you have communication you should hear three raps in rapid succession.

    Now for the final warning: there is a theoretical construct in parapsychology known as Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis or RSPK. There appear to be people in the world who, without realizing it, can cause physical phenomena  such as the movement of objects and rapping for example. So it could be that you are actually interacting with someone in the room. It could even by you!

  12. Just say, "Hey, is there a ghost here?  Wanna chat?" and see what happens. If you don't hear anything in response, try shouting "Heeeeeeerre ghostie ghostie!! Heeeeeeere ghostie ghostie!" And if you still don't hear anything, then there's no ghost.

  13. Use a voice recorder of some type. Record this simply ask if someone is in the room with you. Ask if they will talk with you. Most of the time you will hear nothing but that when u listen to the recording after u might have had a conversation with someone who you never saw.

  14. I didnt know you can call a ghost and make them talk to you. They kind of manifest themselves in their own good time. But I would really like to have that phone number if anyone has it.

  15. my old house was haunted , it may have been due to that fact my brothers played juegi board . trust me its not something you want. you wont be able to go to sleep. because for some reason they like to pick the time when you already asleep to visit you an you gett startled awake to that c**p an you cant fall asleep anymore.

  16. Ouija boards call the spirits and you can talk to them. It really works. Some people say it's dangerous, but it's not. My friend has tried it before. I really hope this helps you.

  17. You ask them; you don't "make" them. Be very careful in your "demands"; even the kindest being can get a little pissed when they are "made" to do something.

  18. It's going to take some practice....

    Ghosts are lonely, angry, complainy people with "no lives".

    They are happy to talk to any one whom they think can hear them.

    So, get practicing..set aside some time to learn to do it.

    I would imagine that you'd just have to sit and be quite.

    Go to quite but populated places, hospitals are good.

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