
How To Calm Down Your Kids?

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How To Calm Down Your Kids?




  1. If they're throwing a fit? Put them in time out, and give them a minute for every year of their age so they have a long time to calm down. 5 minutes is like an eternity for little ones.

    If they're just wired, let them run around outside and get good and tired. Also, if they take naps and you notice they're really hyper in the morning, let them skip the nap, and they'll calm down and sleep really well that night.

  2. well im 13 and when i was younger my mom would hold me down and cover my mouth

    dont do that because if you do your kid will remember because it didnt work it made me really mad

    so just talk to your kid see whats wrong let them calm down by there self because if not they hate it

    hope i helped

  3. Talk quietly to them. Have them sit down. Make them go out side if they want to be rowdy.

  4. Try talking to them...and if that doesn't work send them to their room! but DONT hit them or spank them, because that would probably make them more rowdy!!!

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