
How To Date Women "Out Of Your League"..??

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How To Date Women "Out Of Your League"..??




  1. Make them think  they are out of your league..cocky!!

  2. Follow the "Mystery Method"

  3. I truly don't believe there is such thing as men and women 'out of your league'. I believe there are just men and women. A good combination will work out, a bad combination won't. Simple.

  4. Why bother?  Date girls or women you are comfortable with and have more in common with.

  5. Oxymoron question. If you are referring to "better looking" or financial status, you can still date them because they are attracted to you. The biggest part is realizing for yourself that they are NOT "out of your league. It's called confidence and a "care what may" attitude, meaning you can't believe they are out of your league. You will discover they will often lead to your dinner table or even your bed. Also depends if you want casual or serious relationships. I recommend beginning with casual and low expectations, but HAVE FUN DUDE!!!

  6.     If you're dating a person a lot more attractive than you, the best thing you can do is show your good non-looks based traits. Being smart, funny, charming etc, all work well.


    If the person you're dating is beautiful, they're used to getting attention for it. Because of that they may value different things than just beauty in another person. They see different things as having value. That's the secret of a lot of odd-couple pairings between beauties and normal people.


    Also, don't go on and on about how attractive they are. Don't deny it, sure, but If you mention the other positive traits they have, they'll know you see further than just their appearance, and they'll really like that.

  7. well if they are "out of your league" then they are out of your league lol.. but i suggest that you do something to make yourself more appealing to them. try to talk to them, try to get a good body, etc.  

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