My best friend of 3 yrs has a 6 yr old daughter. I dont get involved with her child when she throws temper tantrums, when she runs amok, even when she screams over our conversations. That's her mothers job. I do try to accomodate her when I can (i.e. offering her lunch when she's hungry, to watch movies I have, to let her play in my home), but she is a BRAT! I am a collector of japanese pvc statues, which are appx $70 a piece, she wants to play with my "dolls". When I explain that they are very expensive and not to be played with, her mother will downtalk them and undermine my possesions, which makes her daughter play with them against my express disapproval. Also, her child helps herself to the food in my house WITHOUT asking, not to mention she finishes it all off and leaves empty wrappers and boxes EVERYWHERE even in my backyard. I don't have a lot of money and cannot get but a few groceries every month, but I share with her what I can. I gave her a piece of chocolate, then carefully hid the bar and told her not to take anymore. Today, I find that my chocolate is just a wrapper in a desk drawer! (Yes, her child rifled through MY desk) Nor do I know whether or not she fed it to my elderly dog, who is thorwing up today. She threw a temper tantrum over mac & cheese, then ate two bites and asked her mom for Wendy's with another tantrum. This is MY home which I let them into and I shouldn't have to pack things away and rearrange my house simply because they stop by. I feel like it's a total invasion and my home falls into disorder and chaos. I don't want to ruin my friendship, but I don't want her child in my home. I don't like my rules being undermined and disrespected. I understand she is only 6, but that's old enough to follow the rules. I used to work with kids, so it's not an "I hate kids" thing. This child is just out of hand. I don't undermine her mother's rules, why should they get to treat mine with such disregard? I don't want to be mean (in fact, I try to be accomodating to both friend and daughter) and I do try to lay down fair rules, but they are looked at as ridiculous and laughed off or talked down or even jsut completely disrespected when I turn my back. How can I fix this without ruining the friendship?