
How To Enlighten w/o Corruption?

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I have an idea that very well may revolutionize all of mankind, the way we live and solve our problems.. perhaps even too effortlessly and this obviously being my dillema:

Is mankind such a child race that the origin of reality as a provable and comprehensible concept could just totally endanger its mortality as a developing culture?

It is my most sincere desire to have the spotlight of human consciousness exist where it is moving to mankind's ABANDONMENT of power-trip acceptability. Yet it is this same philosophical political tendency to have horizons being approachable that precludes the ideals that allowed them to bring themselves into the light of their own role in mankind's evolution.. the likes of which shall always leave it vulnerable where we cling to being a special chosen group. The idea of personality... I just hope that people can go beyond it simply being that all people are Christian whether they own up to it or not and still have the capacity to laugh.. and lie...




  1. We are a strange race, indeed, coming up with all sorts of irrational "realities."

    --"all people are Christian whether they own up to it or not "

    Christianity is a religion, no more than Judaism, Islam, or Greek mythology.  May Zeus cast lightning down upon you for your shallow mind.

  2. The idea that we are all Christian's but just dont own up to it shows how you just contradicted yourself on the power trip acceptability. Polytheism has a much longer history than belief in one outright God. Does not Christianity fit the powertrip mentality. Sounds like a hostile takeover to me!

    Just ask the cultures that succumbed to Christian conversion, oh wait sorry the Pope wiped out those who did not convert.

    Christ is the hardest lesson to learn. It can only be taught by you to you.

  3. Dear Gekim,

    There is coming a day when we will all be forced to look within ourselves and see all of our true motives from beginning to end.  This will include our hearts, our minds and our souls.  

    Unfortunately, for those who have used power and manipulation to control masses, they will truly see their demise, their ruin and their foolishness.

    Fortunately, for those who live life to help others, to deny themselves so that others may find life and who see life as a gift, will not be ashamed of their time.

    This cannot be done only through human hands.  Power and corruption have ruled this earth for a long, long time.  Culture clings to it.  It tells them what they want to hear and they blindly follow.  Sad as it may seem, but it's true.

    Looking within, now, is the answer for everyone.  We could help bring back stability and sincerity if we would just...see.

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