
How To Get A Rabbit To Stop Chewing Carpet & Crown Molding?

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My goal is to allow my bunny to roam free. I have to be able to trust her not to destroy though, as I rent and am not willing to replace damaged carpet and crown molding. What I have been doing so far is spraying cheap, bitter-tasting perfume on the areas she is chewing after firmly telling her "NO!" It's working somewhat, but not as well as I need it to.

There's a theory that if you give a rabbit plenty of items that are OK to chew, such as cardboard or seagrass mats, they will lose interest in the carpet, etc. Yeah, not so much with her...any help you can offer from your own experiences is appreciated.




  1. Rabbits are naturally going to chew and chew no matter what. What I did, was I got a 5' x 5' pc of old carpet, (not one with all the fibers, but a smooth one) some small wooden boxes, toys and plastic sheeting, laid it on the floor and bought a couple of those rabbit playpens you can buy and surrounded the play area. So it was actually like their own playground, where they can chew what they want in their playground. They loved it. Just a suggestion, they have their freedom, and their own little area they can play and chew to their hearts content.

  2. ana, your a B*tch you know that? i just read what you wrote when you chose me as your best answer on your playboy one. seriously. gtfo. look at my pictures.. i was totaly messing with you dumb@$$

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