
How To Get Around In Grade 8?

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You know, like not only studies (I have that part mastered :P) but also friends and stuff. Detail would be much appreciated.

Thank You :)




  1. Remember these things and apply it if it's possible to you

    1.) Befriend all your teachers and faculty members in your school.

    2.) Join campus programs and officer elections.

    3.) Be punctual and always do the right thing.

    4.) Be friendly to all

    This will make you popular not only to the teachers but to the whole student campus.

    Don't forget to have fun so you won't likely get burned into your books! Party and socializing are also important in life!

  2. Great 8 was an awesome year for me - top of the school, the oldest kids there. It's a good feeling because the younger kids look up to you. Grade 8 was probably an easier year for the curriculum, except we started Spanish 1 and Algebra 1 at my school, which can be a challenge but you get the hang of it after a week or two. I ended up with at least one friend in each class, which was great. I had a solid group of 5 close friends in 8th grade but sadly 2 of my closest ones moved out of state, which put a sour ending to the year sadly.

    I didnt make a ton of new friends but was friendly with everyone. The first few days if you get assigned seating try talking to anyone around you and ask how their summer was or introduce yourself if they are new or if you've never talked to them much before. A lot of the new kids in grade 8 for me got a lot of attention and made lots of new friends quick, so if there is somebody new be sure to introduce yourself.

    There was quite a few conflicts and drama this year, but don't let anyone get to you. Stick to being yourself and always trust your guts. Dont listen to what anyone says about you or any assumptions they make - I learned that the hard way by letting it get to my head!! Dont make the same mistake I made :) Just enjoy it and dont cause too much attention to yourself, stick with friends who like you for who you are, always be friendly, keep your head up, do your best, try your hardest and smile!!

    Grade 8 was a breeze for me and I wish every year could be like grade 8. I am starting high school and so nervous!!! Good luck in grade 8, you'll have a great year!!

  3. YAY GRADE 8 :) !

    im offf to grade 9..but i can tell you that grade 8 is gunna be the best year of elemantary skewl !

    my advice for the friend part is be nice to EVERYONE...just be that person that everyone finds likable and wants to be their friend :) .

    also get some new kewl clothes and strut your style ... be confident !

    please dont bully ppl.. the younger kids at skewl look up to you grade 8s..dont give them a bad example..

    also try throwing a halloween party or something..thts always fun :)

    good luck and have a great year ! :)

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