
How To Get My Parents To Let Me Visit My Bf In Canada?

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I live here in the US and he lives in Canada. I really want to see him, and I talked to my parents about it. They just say no because they dont want anything to happen to me, and I understand that but I need my space too, and Im very responsible. Btw I'm 15.




  1. you are Just 15. you know how people your age DO STUFF. your parents are just trying to protect you since you are still a minor. make your bf visit you instead of the other way around. make your parents like him. that way, when they trust you both enough, you can even go live with him in canada if you want to.

  2. You would probably be wiser to find a boyfriend closer to your home base.  I bet you haven't even met this young fella and just have a relationship over the computer.  Sorry kiddo but I have to agree with your parents 100%.  I am a Canadian also but want to inform you that some of our people are just as dangerous as yours.  Best of luck.

  3. I, too, agree with your parents.  You are too young to go visit a guy anywhere by yourself.  

    How old is this guy?  How did you meet him?  Have you met him?

    Why doesn't he come to visit you?

  4. That sucks! But it's cool that you have a long distance relationship, most people aren't really serious enough about it. Maybe if you take someone with you? Like an adult, or an older cousin, or a friend? Maybe they'll make them think a little more about considering it.

  5. At 15 you don’t need this kind of 'space'.  I wouldn’t let my 15-year-old go to *another country* either to see their boyfriend.  When you turn 18 you can go.

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