
How To Get Tougher For MMA?

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im a really good boxer and everyody says im really good and i also do brazilian jiu jitsu and everyone thinks im great. But the problem is if i even get tapped in the chin my head hurts so bad! If i got a punch from anyone i would be knocked out!! so can anyone help ? is there anyway to get tougher?




  1. wear head gear or quit cuz if u cant take a

  2. keep practicing with better people. I fight alot alot alot and I used o tear if i got punched in the face9 not cry just a tear came out) but i fight with a 42 y/o 5th degree blackbelt and he hits me hard as f*ck. So he would hit me but not hard and as the training went on he hit harder and harder every day and now I get hit with almost full force and I dont tear. Actually I have fight class tonight

  3. there is no known way to improve the chin

  4. You must learn to always keep your weight down, be relaxed and  control your breathing while fighting  on the defensive. When your weight is  down, knees slightly bent, feet flat and moving from your center ( about 2 inches below your navel) the power of your opponents  strike will go into the ground. If your weight is up the power of your opponents strike will really hurt because the power will go into the spot he or she hits.

    Most people get hit and knockout  because they don't keep their weight down or don't know how.

    The best way to practice this is to stand in  a horse stance with your back against the wall to keep you properly aligned. Concentrate on keeping your weight down. When you feel it raising because you lost focus or whatever; bring your focus back.

    Every now and then test your self, have some hit you with your weight down. and you will see that you can take it. If you can't take the pressure of being attack your weight will come up and Ouch! it will hurt.

    My saying is: "what goes down doesn't come up, and what comes up goes down".

  5. Tucking your chin and biting your mouth piece while being struck will adjust you to the shock of being hit.  Being hit in the head is no joke, though, and you should really consider whether you want to compete on a striking level of mma.  There's also Abu Dabi (sp) and ju jitsu where it's just grappling.  Seriously, being struck repeatedly in the head can and a lot of times does cause irrepairable brain damage.  Look at Evander Holyfield.  One could argue he's 'punch drunk' and brain damaged for life.

    I wish you the best.  Beware of the worste.

  6. Is there a fix all for "glass jaws"?  You're in luck there sure is!!!  Lay on your back in bottom mound and have your friends wear 4 oz. grappling gloves and give your face a pounding.  Sounds mean and illiterate I know, but it's the only cure all for the "glass jaw".  Take two advil and call me in the morning.  Good luck!!!  If that doesn't work try these guys and they can help you out better than my own advice even!!!! Their motto is "higher consciousness Through Harder Contact"  It's a man thing"....really hard to describe with words so check their site out really closely. Ever been in a knife fight for real? these guys have with their own "brothers" even and that's no lie!!! ( well kind of ) electric blades on those knives and the hurt very badly check out the video on their home page. Becoming an actual "Dog Brother" takes the willing to test your self in big ways.  There are many Martial artists that know about the "Dog Brothers" brotherhood it's a full contact as full contact gets without dieing.  Any way what I'm getting at is don't be so afraid of getting hurt or knocked out, you chose this sport it didn't choose you there my "glass jawed" friend.

  7. I think you need to go to the doctor and find out WHY your head hurts so bad whenever you are punched.  It could be something serious, or, it could be nothing.  If it's nothing, then I suggest you

    a) tuck your chin and

    b) do the Dog Brother thing.


    Who knows, you may be overtraining and need to let your body build up.

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