
How To Improve Reading Skills?

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  1. if you want to read faster you should read books on speed reading on very good one is tony bozan The speed reading book.

    Also if you want to improve skills on reading. You should get some books by cambridge university on efl. These books are for forigen students.

  2. take it one step at a time

  3. My reading skills, were enhanced, as a child, by reading aloud to my fellow classmates.   While seeming to feel overwhelmed at having to stand up and read aloud, the practice helped develop my ability to read, and gave me confidence in facing a crowd.    I also found, that working crossword puzzles and learning the pronunciation of the word, the meaning and how it is usually used in communication, helped me greatly.   I do not consider myself to be learned wordsmith, but I am able to speak without sounding like an idiot.   One of the best things about reading aloud, is it helps prepare you for things like acting a part, where you read lines to an audience, or to be able to read aloud poetry.    Reading, and understanding what you've read, will make you more intelligent, and you will be admired for your ability to understand more of your world.

  4. Reading is fundamental.  Learn's the best way to improve upon your pronunciation and enunciation.  Without phonemic awareness your reading skills will not be up to par.  Rosetta Stone is a great tool as well.

  5. Are you asking about EFL reading and comprehension or dyslexia overcoming hints?

  6. The best way to increase reading skills is actually to read, as much as possible. But for the reading act to be effective, you need to read just above your reading level., increasing your reading level as you read.  It would do you no good to read a physics book if you have no experience in science.

    Find something that interests you; It is easier to read something interesting. If possible, get background information about what the book is about. This will make it easier to understand.

    Don't keep looking up words. If there are a lot of words you don't understand, the book is too hard for you and will only frustrate you. It's okay to look up a few words, but you should be able to figure out from context (how the word is used in the sentence or paragraph) the meaning of what you're reading.

    The more you read, the more you will be able to read and improve you skills. Good luck.

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