
How To Order At Starbucks?

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I know this is a stupid question but how do you order at Starbucks? They like have there own lingo. I've never been there before. What i want to order is a Double Chocolaty Chip Frappacuino blended creme. Oh yeah and with whip cream. Thank You! Oh and BTW how much does it cost about and what do you get?? Thanks!




  1. Order from the menu, Sizes there are different though. When you order a frapp you don't have to ask for whip they put it automatically. If you dont want a certain ingredient in it you would tell them





  2. Sizes





  3. Starbucks is overrated...

  4. ok, so you dont have to order in starbucks lingo, because the barista (or the coffee-makers) will understand you. but if you want to know how to speak the language, heres a break down

    1. cold or hot? if you want it cold, you say "iced" otherwise, you dont need to say anything. frappuccinos come iced so you dont need to verify that it is iced

    2. decaf? kinda self-explanitory. but if you dont want it decaf, you dont need to verify that.

    3. size? there are 4 sizes: tall (12oz), grande (16oz), a hot venti (20oz), an iced venti (24oz), and a size known has "short" only for hot drinks (8oz). not too sure why an iced venti is bigger though.

    4. shots? if you want to add a shot of espresso. a drink with one shot would be called single, two: double, three: triple, four: quad. short/ tall drinks have 1 shot, grande/ hot venti have 2 shots, iced venti have 3. americanos have one extra shot. you can add shots or take away some.

    5. syrups? if you want to put some flavor to your drink. different syrups include hazelnut, caramel, vanilla etc.

    6. milk? the standard is 2% usually. you can get breve (half and half), soy, nonfat, or whole. sometimes you can get organic too. during holiday season, they offer eggnog too!

    7. drink? what type of drink to you want it in. mocha, latte, frappucino, cappucino, etc.

    8. custom? extra cream, more whip, no foam, upside down, double cup. any custom modifications go here or before the drink name depending on the flow.

    an example:

    decaf triple venti caramel whole mocha

    iced quad venti hazelnut nonfat latte

    tall vanilla cappuccino

    so the lingo is used for complicated orders but honestly, you dont need to make a complicated order to have a good drink

    for your case, just say a grande double chocolaty chip frappuccino with whip cream. you dont need to say blended creme. or if you want a venti just say venti or tall or whatever. it costs about 3.50-4.50 depending on where you live it can cost more

  5. Just go up and ask for a chocolate chip frappuccino. Then you can have them add anything to it you want like extra chocolate or whatever. The baristas will help you out if you explain what you want. I always get their tall iced white chocolate peppermint mochas! It's like 4 bucks I think.

  6. You need to get in front of the cashier, flap your arms like a chicken while spinning in a circle. Tell the counter person what you want and then wink at them twice using your left eye only. Don't use your right because they will give you the opposite what you ask for then....

    Good Luck!!

  7. Just ask, they'll walk you through it if they have questions.

    Remember, you are the one with the money. They are not going to laugh at you and ask you to leave because you ordered wrong.

    Might talk about you after you leave, but so what....

  8. The best way to order at a coffee shop or any type of restaurant is to tell the person what you like (I like fruit flavors, I hate the taste of strong coffee, I want something blended and chocolatey. . .etc)  and ask them for a suggestion.  Good Luck!

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