
How To Overhand Serve And Set?

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Ok, I am in the middle of volleyball tryouts for my school, and am in despreate need of help when it comes to my overhand serve! Everytime I try, it doesn't go over the net! I have been to camps, and clinics for serving, but still no luck! Do any of you have any "winning" tips for me? Or any things that have improved your setting and serving? I also need help with setting! (But, my set is not terrible, I've seen worse!) I just really want to impress them tomorrow, and make them forget what they saw today! (Not that is was TERRIBLE- but, some of the other girls really have talent!)




  1. yah i am going threw a camp rite now and i feel so different . i cant serve or set that well i cant ever get the ball over the net until today YAH . but just stiffin up ur hand and give the ball a high five . the steps r toss step hit and good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. im a guy, so volley ball isn't really my thing, but when we played it in team sports, i served it exactly how i would have served a tennis ball, give it a whirl

  4. Wow tryouts are early for you! Ours isn't for another 2 1/2 weeks. Listen, I know its really frustrating. The first and most improtant thing you need to remember in serving is confidence. If you're thinking that you can't make it over, you're most likely not to. That's what happened to me. And I became extremely nervous serving from that end line. The net seemed so far, and I seemed so short. But I really don't think you can master a serve in just a day. You should have practiced everyday in your yard. But anyways, some people aren't comfortable with being taught the way other people serve. I overhand serve with my hand not fully extended, but it still goes over. You have to find right hand positions and footwork that will work for you. I tried having a varsity player teaching me, but that didn't work, so I tried to find my own way in which the ball goes high and over the net. Now, I can't serve from anywhere thats not behind the end line because if I think that the net is far, then my serve will be more powerful. So first, toss the ball with your left hand (if you're right handed) fully extended horizontal to the ground. Make sure it doesn't go more than 2 feet high. Just practice tossing it first so you get used to your toss. It should land about a foot and a half away from you. Make sure it doesn't go above your head or close to your head because thats where the step comes in. After you toss, take a step with your left foot and hit the ball in the middle with your hand facing up at a slight angle. And swing hard and fast! A good serve isn't complete without that. As for setting, I'm not as good as setter as I am a server. But I can set. Not good, but ok. Well your hands should be a few inches above your forehead. When the ball comes to you, make sure it isn't below your head. If it is, get under the ball. And let is push your fingers back for a second. Bend down when it comes to you. Then, push your arms up. Don't have crab hands where your hands automatically close when you push the ball up, and don't let the ball slip from your hands. I hope this helped because I went through that and it took me 3 months of practicing everyday to overhand serve and set. But if you can't serve, I don't think you're ready for the team yet. Your team members count on you to serve and set well, but if you can't practice everyday and try to make the team next year. Sorry for making it so long but you need to know this.

  5. you set by using your finger tips and dont let the volley ball touch your plams or else your disqualified!! SETTING:  to serve you throw it up just above your head and when it stalls up in the air and is about to change directions then you hit it. SERVING:




    With firm wrist, arm toss the ball 18 inches - so that the ball falls to the spot just inside of the lead foot and in line with the hitting shoulder.


    Elbow and hand are at shoulder height or above throughout the entire serving motion.


    Shift weight to lead foot, or step forward, as you make contact with the ball.


    Wrist firm throughout serve.

    Contact with heel of hand through middle back of ball.

    The contact should sound like a "thud", not a "slap" sound.

    Hand follows ball to target.

    Finish with hand alongside or within body line.


    Add pressure to the serve by putting on a time limit.

       - How many serves can you serve in one minute?

       - How many good serves can you do in a row?

       - How many serves can you hit onto a target?



    Start in the ready position facing the target.

    Spread fingers in the shape of the ball above the head.

    Form a triangle with thumbs and pointerfingers (hands should not be touching)

    Place hands directly in front of the face close to the forehead. This position is called NEUTRAL and is always the starting position for the set.

    On contact, set by extending the arms and legs.


    Contacting the ball with the palms of the hands.

    Facing where the ball is coming from.




    Wait for ball with hands 4 to 6 inches above forehead.

    Thumbs and index fingers form a triangle through which you can see ball (triangular window).

    Rest of hands form the shape of a ball.


    The correct contact point is just above the forehead (hairline).

    When contacting the ball, the hands move in one direction only.

    Freeze with arms fully extended in the direction you want the ball to go. (Hands are the same distance apart upon completion as they were during coantct.)

    Hands follow the ball.


    The correct body position is with the ball, forehead, and hips in a vertical line.


    With your right foot forward, square off to target with shoulders and feet before you deliver set

    Face your sweet spot (for outside sets - the point on the left sideline that is 3 feet from the center line) for all of your sets


    With your right foot forward and knees bent, place weight on the back foot (left) and at contact, transfer weight to the front foot (right).

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