
How To Prepare Chocalate?

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How To Prepare Chocalate?




  1. Try this book

    'The Great Book of Chocolate'  by David Lebovitz

    He has everything in it from origin,types,tempering to 100 different preperations of chocolate.

  2. Need more specific questions. If you want to make a chocolate fondue, melt milk chocolate and dark chocolate together in equal parts, then adding sweetened condensed milk to taste. I recommend a Swiss brand of chocolate, not American or English. DON'T BUY ANY CHOCOLATE CONTAINING VANILLIN!! It is a fake vanilla and tastes like it.

  3. Serves: 4


      Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

    --------  ------------  --------------------------------

      3           packages  semi-sweet chocolate chips -- (6 oz.)

      14            ounces  sweetened condensed milk

      1                cup  chopped walnuts

      1               dash  salt

      1 1/2      teaspoons  vanilla



    In a heavy saucepan, over low heat, melt chips with sweetened condensed milk and salt. Remove from heat; stir in nuts and vanilla. Spread evenly into a foil or wax paper lined 8 or 9" square pan. Chill 2 hours or until firm. Turn fudge onto cutting board; peel off paper and cut into squares. Store loosely covered at room temperature.


    Nutritional Information:

    513 Calories (kcal); 26g Total Fat; (44% calories from fat); 15g Protein; 58g Carbohydrate; 34mg Cholesterol; 193mg Sodium

  4. b

  5. Chocolate is made from the fermented, roasted, and toasted beans taken from the pod of the tropical cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, which was native to South America, but is now cultivated throughout the tropics. The beans have an intensely flavoured bitter taste. The resulting products are known as "chocolate" or, in some parts of the world, cocoa.For further information please visit

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