
How To Prevent Dogs From Chewing? ?

by Guest31783  |  earlier

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The dog I got is a perfect companion. She runs, like to play and behaves well with other dogs now only after a month of having her from the shelter. The only problem is that she is chewy chebaka!! Molly chews up magazines, shoes, slippers. My Dog even grabbed the wallet out of my girlfriends purse and chewed up her social, ID and bank cards!! We have bought the dog plenty of chew toys, what can we do about the dog's chewing habits?

Also, how can we make the dog get better at coming to us when we call her?




  1. Obedience training may be very useful.

  2. she is chewing because she is bored. training and exercise. take her for walks, let her run. buy her chew toys. get her trained. if you start with treats and dont say no...use verbal noises like uh huh. go on you tube and watch its me or the dog. She is amazing.

    good luck!

  3. ok. well for your fist question about chewing, go down to a pet shop or any place (even vets) with things for dogs. they have a product called "Stop Chew" it is sort of like a spray. Now you might not want to put this on your magazines but you can put it on other things. It tastes really nasty once sprayed on an object and the dog will not hold it in his mouth. After a doing this for a while the dog will eventually stop.

    For your second question. Calling your dog to come can be easy or hard. it depends on how you do it. Now to do it the easy way, get a handful of treat, get your girlfriend or someone else to get a handful and call your dog. REMEMBER this. only call your dogs name ONCE. if he dosen't come whistle, make noises, be exciting but DO NOT call his name again. If he dosen't come he dosen't get treats.

    When you do get him to come to you, get your girlfriend (or whoever) to call your dog to themselves. He comes to them he gets a treat, now keep doing this everyday and your dog will become much better.

  4. If its happening at night, the best thing is to crate her until she outgrows this habit. And definitely put things she shouldnt have out of reach! (Dog-proof your house, use gates to keep her out of areas she shouldnt be in). If it happens when youre there, use calm discipline (calmly remove it from her, tell her 'no', redirect her to a chew toy, etc). Good luck - a puppy can be as challenging as kids!!  

  5. basically you need to treat your dog like a baby and tell her NO!

    roll up a newspaper and when you catch her chewing on something that is not her chew toy just give her i lil hit on her nose and tell her NO!

    this work cause then you dont use your hand and they are not scared of you! :D!

    and with training you dog to come use treats to teach her and use a dominant voice!

    GOOD LUCK! :D!

  6. Like many undesirable canine behaviors, destructive habits usually develop because a dog is bored, lonely, or both. It's not fair or realistic to expect your dog--especially a working breed --to spend long hours quietly sitting and waiting for your return. By nature dogs are curious and sentient beings; see that she has enough mental and physical stimulation to minimize the impulse to dig and chew.

    Here's how to treat this kind of problem

  7. sounds like the pup should be enrolled in obedience classes that will teach her basic commands and some manners as well... as for the chewing right now, go to the pet store they have a spray called bitter apple (theres more than just that brand) but anyways you can spray on whatever you dont want the pup to l**k, chew, lay on things that.. it works really well i had to use it for one of my dogs , it broke her real fast, just spray some on your shoes, couch things like that...also if this is being done while your not at home, you should consider crate training your pup.

    as for learning her name its takes a little time , how old is the pup? how long have you had her?

    that is also something else she will learn very fast in obedience classes.Good luck.

    Do Not roll up a newspaper and hit the dog, training can be done with no physical punishment, its a puppy they'll learn hitting a dog will only cause other behavior issues

    sounds great ive been around Pit Bulls since i was 2 yrs old, they are a great breed email me anytime you need

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