
How To Protect My Pets?

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Recently, my area has been hit with a torrent of floods, and occasionally, those floods lead to fires.

I live in an apartment building, and keep pretty much to myself. Some days, it calls for me to be gone for eight or nine hours at a time, in this time my pets are secured in their crates.

I have alert postings on the windows (front and back), and my neighbor knows that I have pets. The alerts tell how many and of what species, and where they are located.

What I'm worried about, is we're basically in a bowl. We're one level, all flat. If water did start to rise, they wouldn't have a chance. If a fire broke out, they couldn't migrate to get away from it or even try to escape. By the time an emergency vehicle would get here, they may already be gone...

How can I make my pets safe?




  1. Really theres no win situation.

    I guess you basically got to hope for the best,

    i to crate my dogs, but only for a few hours.

    i have great neighbors..

    and if i am going to be gone for a 8-9 hours.

    I tell me neighbors and my dogs stay in the backyard till i get back.

    we all have HUGE backyards and they are all fenced and secured...

    so when i am gone they stay in the big backyard so if a fire or such.

    happened they have a better chance then being in a crate.

    and i also have a camera on my house facing the backyard.

    For the dogs.

    we are also very blessed we live in Cali.

    but obviously your in an apartment and have to crate.

    So really there is nothing you can do.

    otherwise then getting a fire alarm witch you probably have.

    and hoping for the best,

    Good Luck.


  2. well everyone pretty much said it not much that you can do, but what you

    have already done, I try not to worry about my pets, and a house

    fire but I think I worry more as it has happened before, we had a dog

    two cats, that a friend gave us which they were pregnant both of them

    which we didn't know at the time, a rabbit, and a fish

    our cats had just given birth, and our dog wasnt crated because we

    were only going around the corner, and he was playing outside, we had a dog

    door so he could go in and out as he pleased except at night when we crated

    him, well anyway, we were down the street and we saw smoke coming from

    our house, well our dryer had caught fire in our wood house, which

    spread quickly, fire fighters got one of our cats and all her babies

    out, the other was located in the back of the house near the fire

    she was going in and out of an opened window gathering all her newborns

    she got all but one when while inside the house became unconsious fire

    fighters removed her and her baby, giveing her oxygen, but it was no

    good, my mom was in tears, and the fire fighter trying to revive callie

    girl, took his mask off and gave her mouth to mouth cpr, callie

    unfortunately didn't make it, and managed to save all but one of

    her beloved babies, our dog made it out were our neighbors took him to

    thier house, unforunately we lost our rabbit as well. I never really

    thought our house would catch on fire let alone claim the life of

    not one but two of our beloved pets, callie was a special part of our

    family and many years later she is still missed. It still amazes me

    how she gave her life to save the life of her babies, that is why I won't

    let anyone tell me, that animals don't understand "family" or that

    why like cats a cat can't save you like a dog can. callie will be

    missed forever I can't wait to see her agian at the rainbow bridge.

    I know this may not help you worries, but my point is, if it is meant

    to be that they should die, nothing will keep that from happening

    whether it be a fire, flood, or disease. callie escaped the flames

    but it was her time, and I couldn't do anything to help her.

    You have done all you can, I mean we never left our do uncrated and

    unattended except on that day, he wasn't meant to leave us, if

    yours are meant to stay with you they will, that doesn't stop

    the pain when they do leave and it sure doesn't stop the worries

    you have done all that you can, now all you have to do it trust nothing

    will happen and if it does, trust your neighbors, and the fire fighters

    will help your pets, if something tragic happens remember them

    for who they were, mourn them when their gone, remember those memories

    but, please dont' get caught up in worries that you forget to make

    precious golden memories. you have done all you can to unsure safety

    of your pets, take a deep breath, and just one day at a time

    i know it is hard to say let alone hard to do, but don't think

    ahead enjoy the here and now with the ones you love

    p.s. you know it is funny in the paper instead of saying family looses

    all they own, the headline said fire fighters pulled and saved 15 animals

    from burning house, media can't get anything straight now matter what

    it is about.

  3. I think there is only so much you can do to prepare for a disaster. I've spent countless hours worrying about our animals at home and a house fire. There is nothing I can do, but try to "avoid" a fire at all costs. Our dogs aren't crated anymore, but they still aren't able to leave the house if there is a fire. All anyone can do is hope that a neighbor at home when a fire breaks out will save your pets. I know a couple of mine that would think of the dogs right away, but that doesn't mean they'd try to get them out of the house. Although...I've strongly considered giving the old lady across the street from me a key to our house because she's pretty much always home and could at least go open the door if she saw smoke.  

  4. either make sure that someone will get in to them or always take them with you.

  5. I understand your frustration.   Our dogs are crated as well and I hate leaving for long periods of time even no more than 3 hours.   We live in an apartment and I know how fast apartment fires spread.    We are actually getting one of those alerts tonight.    We do try to take our dogs as many places as possible with us though

  6. Sorry, but other than alerting others to save your dogs with postings, I don't know!

    I did see on Animal Planet that one SPCA shelter went into homes after a disaster to get dogs (and other animals) out. People called them asking to save their pets, and neighbors called when they noticed abandoned dogs behind.... Just hope for the best!!! Good luck!!!

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