
How To Serve A Volleyball Right?

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when serving a volleyball.i step forward with my right foot.when I'm hitting with my Right Hand.any ways to help me.thanks.=]




  1. one of my rep coaches taught me this technique and so far it's the most consistent

    Start with your right hand behind your right ear and your elbow back like when your shooting a bow,with the ball in your left hand held straight out in front of your right shoulder. Then toss the ball straight up without moving your hand way down, step forward with your left foot and bring your right hand behind your head and up to hit the ball at the apex(the highest point). Fallow through straight-if your serve is going off to the sides, try hitting your right leg with your follow through

    hope that help!

  2. yea that sounds just about right. be sure you have a strong hit to make the serve go over the net & don't hit the ball too early or too late because then the ball will go another direction that you don't want it to go in the end of your serve.

  3. its really easy!

    1st- if ur right handed hold the ball in ur left had and put ur left foot in front.

    2nd- toss the ball at 1:00 in a clock and make sure ur hand is a little above ur head and cup ur hands and pull ur whole arm back and hit it upwards so its easier 4 the ball 2 go over the net

    there's a link with a picture that shows u how the position is.

    -- --


  4. Try doing it exactly like you would spike... Right handed players should... Use a three step approach left right and on the last left hit the ball and follow through with the arm swing. Always keep your elbows above or level with your shoulders. If you practice this correctly you might to notice that you feel it in your abs as well. Your abs are a big part of your power so, you might try and exhale as you swing. Some people have that tennis grunt from the extreme exhale

  5. When you serve the higher the better. It is like in tennis. When you throw the ball up you have a better chance of getting it over if higher. So throw the ball to the highest point of your hand when on your toes. Your contact point is one of the most important parts to serving. If you are to Early chances are that you will hit the bottom of the ball which won't go over the net. If you hit to late, and the ball is to low (trust me I use to do this a lot haha) then the ball will go right into the net or below it.

         Try serving without moving your right foot forward yet. By concentrating on your balance you will have more power when you start to move your right foot forward. Once you are able to serve consistently over the net with your balance, then begin to move your right foot forward, acting like your follow through.  

         Your first serve should be must stronger than your second, and when you throw the ball it should be just a bit into the court, rather than right above your head. The second serve should be closer to you for comfort, you judge that.

          I played volleyball for two years on my school team, which might not be that much experience but I had to work a lot on my serve and in tennis I continue to work at it every time I go to practice.  If you need any help e-mail me. good luck!

  6. NO YOU DO NOT DO IT LIKE YOUR GOING TO SPIKE! That is wrong when you spike the ball travels at at an angle going almost straight down that would make you have a very bad serving habit. First off put your right leg in front of your left to were your body is evened out. Then hold the ball with your left hand at about mid waist height practice throwing the ball straight up and then catching it for a while when you have that down hold your right hand over your head at about a little over ear height. Then practice swinging through the ball and going at a slightly slanted angle. DO NOT flick your wrist this will put a very bad spin on the ball and you don't want that even thought some people say its good its not. now hit the ball back and forth on the wall over and over again. Next try to hit it over the net by going further and further back. Its very hard to explain online but good luck anyways!!!!!1

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