
How To Tidy A Messy Room?!?

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Hey im a teenager and im 13 and live in the uk.

I aint an untidy teen i like to be tidy but at the moment my room is quite messy!

Please help me tidy it before school tomorrow!!

Please give me your tips and tricks to help me tidy my room please!

Thanks to all answers!

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  1. Quite the opposite to stuff everything under the bed .....  The way I used to tidy my room was by putting everything that was clutter - so clothes on the floor, stuff on the desk, on shelves etc - on top of my bed.

    Then I would have to make my way through it all before I could get into bed.

    Sometimes of course I would just sweep everything onto the floor if I got tired and couldn't be bothered!! But it worked most times!!

    At least then all your clutter is in one place, you can sort through everything, put it back it its place, have a hoover, a quick dust, light a scented candle and then chill out!

    Of course long term solutions to mess are to get lots of effective storage so you can keep clutter hidden and everything has its place.

    Good luck! x

  2. This mistake sometimes people make when they have to tidy up is that they want a perfect way on their mind before they set about it.  Also, they want an easier way to go about it before they start.  Both are irrational expectations doomed to failure.

    The solution is to start picking up something while thinking about it.  Action comes first.  It doesn't matter where you start.

  3. you should start with putting everything from the floor onto your bed, so the floor is clean, do the same with things from your desk. then clean the floor, windowsills & desk, then you can start sorting through the things on your bed & put them where they belong. make piles , :

    throw away , put away , store .

    that way you can organise your stuff.

    after you are done with that, dust everything again & hover , then open the windows or light a scented candle :)

    god, i LOVE to tidy & clean!

  4. Well i look at the mess 1st and devise a plan, don't mull over it too long or you wont do it.

    everything has its own home so bit by bit put it all back in its home.

    start with the clothes on the floor, then books and papers, throwing any junk you dont want. Go through the draws, tiding and again throwing the junk out, same as you cupboards and on top of units etc.

    Once its clean, then do the dusting, then the bed then the hoovering.

  5. OK do this when you have a couple of hours free!

    Get everything out and see what you no longer need etc

    whatever you dont need you can sell on ebay or give to charity, then put everything on your bed for a few moments while you hoover then start dealing with your stuff!

    Honestly cleaning 1 room is easy peasy!

  6. Get everything laying around the room and put it in the middle of the floor. Make your bed first, then go around your room finding anything else untidy or out of place, like stuff you don't need on your desk or nightstand, and put it in the middle of the floor with everything else. Then just start going through all the stuff bit by bit, put some music on while you're doing it so it doesn't seem to take so long and be so boring. When you are all done, vaccuum the floor and put on a scented candle, or spray the room with air freshener. You'll feel great about having a lovely tidy room!

  7. Use a hoover

  8. hey.

    All you have to do is SING while you tidy, OR you can out some music on REAL LOUD and sing along 2 it!! i do it all the time, and what do you know it works perfectly all the time too!!!!!!! i love singing, if you dont now, you better start liking it because its good fun believe me when you try it...Go Ahead x*x

  9. Put everything in black bags and put out with the rubbish.

  10. Well when My daughter was your age it was constant battle for her to keep her room tidy. This went on for such a long time that one day in a fit of annoyance at the mess. I literally took the duvet cover off of her bed dumped everything in it and threw the lost out of the window.

    Just imagine her face when the school bus drew up outside the house and she saw all her things in the front garden. From that day onward she always kept her room immaculate as place for everything and everything in it's place. Even now she's married her house is always neat and tidey and we often laugh about her 'Untidy period'

    Mind your mum does not do the same to you.

    I'm sure you'll keep it tidy as you sound as you have the will. Perhaps it was just because it was the school holidays that you  left it untidy eh?  

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