
How To.........?!!!?

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How to build your self confidence ? Is self confedence sth you can train to have it or strengthen it or no...?!!




  1. you can train yourself to have self confidence .

    1st, like yourself .

    2nd , dont fear criticism.

    3rd , practice voicing your opinion without fear .

    4th , dress well to gain high self esteem.

    5th, read and know the latest news to be able to get into a discussion easily .

    be sure you are better than the others !

    dont be proud or arrogant , but you are the best !

  2. u must confess that u like ur self

  3. yes you can build your self confidence and train yourself.

    first you have to know what it is and how does it feel.

    it is this feeling that someone feels when doing something he has never failed in doing it, and he believes in his capability of success.

    like when someone asks you how much is 1+1, you feel so confident and proud when you say

    but when someone asks you can you dance or sing on the stage it is different.

    that's why the most annoying type of confidence is "social confidence".

    It's easy to do or say anything you are skilled at alone when no one is watching.

    that's why there are training center for public speaking, and at school it's important to to teach students to make presentations to their classmates to get rid of their social anxiety.

    sometimes there are severe cases when some one suffers from a big failure in his life, and he generalize this failure over all his life and he start to think that he is a failure having doubts in himself and all his capabilities, I think this is when help and counseling is needed.

    over confidence can lead to a reckless behavior, stubbornness and arrogance.

    so in brief confidence can be achieved by:

    1) increasing your knowledge

    2) practice to increase your skills

    3) know that it's ok to fail and make misakes and that confidence is an accumilated feeling that comes from personal life experience and it includes failures and success, no one succeed from the first time.

    4) Try to take criticism positively and try to ignore comments that is based on hatred and jealousy.

    5) When doing something you know very well in public try to focus on what you are doing, and recall the feeling of confidence as if you are doing it infront of your best friends.

  4. try the mirror

    it gives you more confident

  5. Self confidence comes with having an understanding of who you are in the world ...a knowledge that you have value.

    That's not to say  that everyone with a lot of self confidence is a decent human being ...just that they have an inner belief in themselves.

    It will come as you discover who you are , develop your skills & talents & find something worthwhile to do with them.
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