
How To "Pump" Skimboard when wave riding...also Ding repair help?

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i was wondering how to pump to a wave...and also i have a small ding in my skimboard, can i still ride with it or should i repair it asap?




  1. i needa know what board you got to help you with pumping BUT for dings , there is a product called sun cure ( or something simliar to that name ) it does surfboard repairs but it works on skimboards just fine too

  2. You really didn't give enought information about your skimboard. Honestly, I haven't beem out skimboarding lately and I don't know exactly what you mean by "pump". Do you mean like to make it keep going fasterby pushing own and it goes up and down a bit (not a great explainer)? Because if you do, and your board isn't flat, you simply need to lean a little back and forth on your front foot. I hope that's what you mean. Also, I have a ding too, actualyy a few, and one of my boards split in the back. Anyway, enough about me, if your board is fiberglass, you can get epoxy and fillin the dings, smooth it out, sand it, put more epoxy or some sort of finishing gloss over it. If by ding, you mean it split (you wer a bit general), then use epoxy to seal the board, then use a clamp to keep it held together. Comment or message m if you have any more questions or information, and I hope I helped! Good luck skimboarding! ..... wow i typed a lot

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