
How To tell If I Have Broadband internet?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I need to know if I have Broadband internet for a new router I want to buy and for xbox live. I have charter high speed internet not dialup. I can be on the phone and internet at the same time. I also have Mozilla Firefox. If u could tell me if I have broadband internet or how to tell if I do have it that would be awesome.





  1. If you don't use a phone line to connect to the internet, you have broadband.  It's either or.

  2. You have broadband. The only time you have dialup is if you have something like earthlink, where you have to "dial" a connection to the internet, or connect to it everytime you get one. If getting online is as easy as opening Firefox, you generally have broadband.

  3. if it is not dialup, it is usually highspeed wireless/broadband

  4. You might have cable broadband like pay TV rather than the type that goes through the phone line  - give your ISP a ring and get them to give you an accurate answer; you'll need to know to buy the right equipment.  I think ISDN and DSL both go through the phone line and cable doesn't.


  6. "Broadband" is just a generic term.  If you have Cable Internet (which you do) or Satellite Internet or DSL, all are broadband.  Dialup is not.  

    Simplest definition I could google:

    In general, broadband refers to telecommunication in which a wide band of frequencies is available to transmit information. Because a wide band of frequencies is available, information can be multiplexed and sent on many different frequencies or channels within the band concurrently, allowing more information to be transmitted in a given amount of time (much as more lanes on a highway allow more cars to travel on it at the same time). Related terms are wideband (a synonym), baseband (a one-channel band), and narrowband (sometimes meaning just wide enough to carry voice, or simply "not broadband,"  

  7. broadband internet is highspeed

    if u mean cable or DSL

    DSL uses filters on ur phone line while cable doesnt

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