
How Was Your Day?:] ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Not that great.

  2. Started out ok, then got a little brighter.

    Thanks for asking.

  3. Good until I got to clarinet lesson.

  4. It was decent. I'm a bit stressed but it felt like Autumn today, which is always nice.

  5. horrible

    i had a asthma attack

  6. Pretty crummy.  Been having problems with lightheadedness and double vision off and on since yesterday and that means I can't drive.  It's really frustrating.  A couple of friends were nice enough to bring me some food, 'cause my food stamp acct.  doesn't open until tomorrow.  God bless them.

  7. Pretty good thanks:

    I got lost in our high school, a few times, because its all circley and stuff...

    and the dog ran away but I caught him just as I got on the bus...

    but other than that, yay for today.

    How bout you?

  8. It sucked bad.  Had to deal with stupid people on a ship.

  9. Pretty good. Just got back from my second day of school. How was your day?

  10. not too good,but thanks to some great friends on here,its getting better

  11. Boring..just like every other one

    this summer.

  12. uhm. my day starts now.. it's morning in here.. haven't started my day yet..

    i h0pe that this day would be another wonderful day..

  13. paralyzed. i got in a fight with a bunch of *******

  14. My day was good, thanks. How was yours?*

  15. bad... i got hit in the face with a soccer ball ouch! lol

  16. Okay. Job Searching and Spending Time with My Son. Watching him jump in his jumper. staring at my girl friend. watching her sleep. She is really beautiful.  

  17. Not so good.  I am 6 hours away from home in college and I just found out today that there is suppose to be a hurricane in the eastern part of the state which is where I'm from.  I'm worried because my mom, stepdad, and dog live in a trailer.  I'm really freaking out and I don't know what to do.  I can't call my mom to see what the forcasts are saying there because she is at work and I can't get a straight answer from the internet.  

  18. First day of school... and pratice was cancled crapy  

  19. Ever since school started my life has been h**l, I got kicked out of my house and my mom is being the biggest ****

  20. Pretty bad.

    But you asking actually cheered me up a little bit

  21. amazing

  22. Awful. I was stuck at school with the worst cold in my life!

  23. Unbelievable One I missed some things on mY Shopping List, and The Weather returns to Fall Not so well.

  24. not too good actually. it started off alright, but then i got sick and threw up so yeah.... :(

  25. Um it was ok the first day of school always sucks anyway.

  26. It was perfect till about 4 pm i got a message from a guy i was talking to that made me want to commit a crime. he's a true n.bomb

  27. great!

    I got my hair done =D

    But the bad thing is that this is the last day of summer for me =[

    school is 2morrow =/

  28. Mine was OK. I've had better. How about you?

  29. it was good. today was my first day of school    :~)

  30. it was ok...

    but no1 will answer my question..

    and you?

    will u answer for me?:;...

  31. Boring..

    Its my second day of school...

    So we are pretty much doing a lil bit of review in each class...

    And i failed science 8.. So im in that class again..

    And the grade 8's are SO anoying..

    One is braggig about having 16 boyfriends..And she is like 12..

    Anolther.. is saying that he gets high every week end...

    At least when i was in grade 8 i dondt brag about getting high and sh*t..

    I found out one of my bestfriends is pregnant...

    Im SO disapoined in her...



    And to top it all off i have a HUGE migrane...

    Thanks for kinda letting me spew it all out here..


    How was ur day??
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