
How/Where to meet someone to hang out with in Montreal?

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Here's the thing:

I got a 3-day ticket to the Canadian GP from June 6 to June 8 in Montreal and I really like Formula One so I decided to go there and watch the race. I even made a hotel reservation for two nights. But this ticket was passed on to me by my boss and I can't get any more. It's gold grandstand ticket :) and it is going to cost any friend of mine $500 to get one and none of my friends are willing to pay this much. So I am driving over to Montreal to spend 3 days there but I don't want to look like an idiot being everywhere by myself (you know what I mean). Does anybody know specific places in Montreal where you might meet people (especially if they're there for the race as well)? Is there any way to know if some people are going there to watch the race and get to know them beforehand?...

** I am a friendly person and I know how to engage in talks with people, just looking for tips specific to Montreal.

Thanks if you have one




  1. lucky guy..........You can go almost anywhere downtown during the week before the Grand Prix and you can meet a lot of people there......especially on Crescent Street.......There are many activities scheduled for that week and also on the weekend..........Crescent Street would be your best bet to meet someone that's there for the race..........

    Good Luck

  2. Tough call!

    Try and head downtown Montreal at the earliest opportunity!

    Yeah, Crescent Street is party central for English speaking folks!

    I hope you find someone in time - male or female?

    Good luck!

  3. on crescent street there are a lot of people there to watch the race. and there is a lot of race-related activities. (for example i know there are cars parked on the street for people to see-- no the actual race cars obviously) and there are a lot of things to do.

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