
How Will The British Officially Embarrass Themselves This Afternoon?

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Leona Lewis, Backham, Brown, and a London bus.

I can't wait.




  1. None of them can string a proper sentence together! although hopefully the Chinese wont be able to tell.

  2. One word: Boris

  3. As long as Beckham doesn´t break into song we should be O.K.

  4. The embarrassment will begin when they open their gobs...and the bus breaks down.

    Free Tibet.

  5. Well Shambo, I have just watched it.

    Mayor of London ......... Hair not combed ......... suit didn't fit ........ Hands in pockets.

    One geriatric guitarist plus one singer(?)

    One semi literate (mediocre) tax exile footballer.

    Not a London bus.

    Dancers that would make your drunk uncle look good.

    What can I say, a wonderful show of British talent! ........ not!

  6. Apparently there will be a 'troupe' of babies in prams who will eat sausage rolls and drink tea from a bottle in perfect synchrony.

  7. The olympics are gonna suck. It's in London. Enough said? I think not. Whats with the countdowns in the papers? Its FOUR YEARS!

  8. And Jimmy Page. Wooohoooooooooooo!!

    Whoever he is ..........

    Edit: THC  LOL!!


  9. Who cares. London 2012 will be fantasttic.

  10. VIPER!!!! Fancy not knowing who Jimmy Page is!! Shame on you girl.

  11. Most people who cause embarrassmenet to others are not easily embarrassed themselves.

  12. i think the bus will save the day.

  13. My fellow users here don't seem to have much to say in support of the London games, so I am going to correct that right now. I feel sure that the British will put on a show worthy of any past olympics Let us also not forget the magnificent effort our athletics put on in Beijing. 19 gold medals and only beaten by China,the US and Russia. I say well done to them and good luck to the games in London where they may even do better still.

  14. Just keep Blair off that bus

    Shambo, you forgot Boris!!!


    Well, I loved the bus, but the rest of the British effort was a bit underwhelming.!!

    Was LL singing??

    Then the Chinese took over and all was spectacular again!!!

    EDIT 2

    LOL@Haz......tea in a bottle!!!  True Lanky nourishment.

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