
How Will The Family React?

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I am an American woman in a relationship with a French man. How will his family react to this? They know about us and his feelings for me but I am nervous about one day meeting them! Will they dissapprove? He is from Brest, I live near Boston.




  1. It depends more on your attitude than your nationality.

  2. Don't be nervous!! franch DON'T hate americans (republicans may be...)

    No problem if you are a nice girl, plus the breton (brest region) are nice people

  3. are you black skin person ??? in that case, maybe you will have difficults to be accepted....

    some french persons hate no white skin people ....

  4. Don't be nervous.

    Only socialists and communists hate americans.


    Welcome to the Celtic land !!!

  5. Don't be nervous. They will probably be very interested to know you !

    It is very unlikeley they will dissapprove.

    PS: not everything you hear is true !

  6. why would they hate you ? maybe your boyfriend told you something about them that make you think that... so maybe they will have difficulties to accept you, but really I don't know why they would ! and the fact he is from brest changes nothing... they are nice there. don't worry and welcome in bretagne.

  7. It all depends.  There are mean people in this world who can't overcome their hatred towards other nations, but there are other people who are more kind and willing to accept anybody.  As long as you're a nice person, you have a better shot at being approved by the family.  Good luck! :)

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