
How Would A Person Go About Building a Cruise Ship?

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I have to build a model of a cruise ship for one of my classes. I can build the model, but I have to explain how it would be built in real life. How do they build real cruise ships? They make them out of steel, right?




  1. Cruise Ship info

    they are made a high grade steel and built like legos piece by piece once main haul is built..

  2. You have never built an accurat SCALE model before, have you?  When you build ANY accurate scale  model, you have the same problems to solve as the builders of the full size one... once you build the model then you will know how a person would go about building a cruise ship.

    I once built a 6 foot long steam powered stern wheel packetboat.  I got the plans from a builder's archive then had to re-draw them into a scale I could work with.  That project took nearly TWO YEARS but when I finished, I knew as much about building a STERN WHEEL RIVER BOAT as the builders of 100 years before.

    I did not build some plastic fantistic model that any fool can stick together in an hour and slap the decals on it... that riverboat was SCRATCH BUILT from WOOD and I even built the steam engine, although it was from a kit... but I still had to hand make the parts with my lathe.

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