
How Would You Cope With Going Bald?

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  1. Get a T-shirt that says, "I'm not bald, that's just a solar panel for a s*x machine."

    I would cope with it the way I do with everything I can't change -- accept it and move on.

  2. at 44 i am starting, but i dont care i have had a good run. no combovers i keep it short cropped.

  3. If there is a reason for it as she had


    Who is to holler at mother nature for what she does


    Us men have to deal with it because for some reason father nature has a lot of us men go kind of thin on top


    So I'd just have to say it is normal for the human race to go thin on top if not loose all of it


  4. I am bald

  5. Shave my head and not give a ****!Unless you're an actor or model what the **** does it matter. It's the same with all these eejits starving themselves all the time, what's the point. Enjoy yourself, you're only here once.

  6. I don't cope real well, I wear a baseball cap all the time when I am out nowadays. I do want to shave it off to be honest but I don't look as good as some of the bald actors with shaved heads.  

  7. I am going bald on top , still i find the best cure for baldness is acceptance lol

  8. shave it off,  none of this s**t about going bald with dignity,  that is what i do.  

  9. I'm not worried cos it'll never happen...



  10. not very well, I'd have nothing to hide behind.

  11. colour it in with a black pen

  12. I simply shave my head. Doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother other people. Never mind, there' s nowt as q***r as folk.

  13. If I did I'd buy a very expensive Joan Collins style wig. Because I am  a woman.  

    If I were a man then I'd have a number 1 and forget about hair, wear a cool wooly cap when it's cold and a cool baseball hat when it's very sunny.

    There are things that can happen in life that make going bald look like going on a picnic!!!

  14. run around the house screaming and never leave the house again never !!!

  15. buy a wig

  16. Watch the film HITMAN!

  17. I'd wear a wig.

  18. OMG that would really spoil my looks lol  

  19. not very well i love my long black hair...

  20. Shave it off! if i go bald i go bald but i'm 32 now and still have a full head of hair :-)

  21. OMG!!!!

    I think I'd rather die, I have heard it is getting very common in women, probably from all the stress, we have to go

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