
How Would You Describe Time?

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How Would You Describe Time?




  1. a cycle of rotations and orbits of different planets

  2. Great question...and you earned a star!

    That answer about the number of oscillations of a cesium atom is interesting, but it still involved using the time-denominating word 'second.'

    For me, I would say that Time is an artifice, an artificial device invented by humans to link events in a linear fashion, 'linear' being past, present and future in order to have a 'sequential' frame-of-reference. In a very strict sense, there is no 'present:' here's why...if someone asks you what time it is, by the time you tell them, it's not that time any more!

    "Inventing" time seems a natural outgrowth of our need to keep track of seasons, so that we can plant crops during times that are most logical for those crops. Further into human evolution, we found the need to divide 'time' into smaller and smaller we're even into nanoseconds,  something we had no need to know when our lives consisted only of getting up when the sun rose and went to bed in a cave when the sun set.

    In essence, I would say that Time is a tool, to be shaped and used by us as needed, in an otherwise timeless world.

  3. An indefinite period

  4. it is a conteneous that keep on changing at every little moment

  5. distance divided by velocity

    in addition, one second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 cycles of radiation corresponding to the transition between two energy levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom.

  6. Time is like a tredmill.

  7. I think time is another diminsion other than the three that we are familiar with already.  In order to plot a point in space you need the x, y, and z coordinate, but you also need to plot when the point will be there.

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