
How Would You Feel If You Caught Your Lover Cheating With The Same s*x?

by  |  earlier

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Would it make any difference if you caught your spouse/lover cheating on you with a member of the same s*x as opposed to the opposite s*x?

Would you be more or less mad or it wouldn't matter on how angry you get?




  1. a guy i dated got a calf massage from a g*y dude last summer at a beachhouse.

    he said he is secure and it didnt mean anything

    but now again this year he sai dhe may get a massage.

    anyway i would be MORE upset because it shows thye were lying to themselves and me bigtime about who they really are.

    answer my question please ?;...

  2. it wouldnt matter who he cheated on me with a cheater is a cheater he would be kicked to the curb

  3. Hey two for me!!!!!;...

  4. i'd be pissed i would ask am i not good enough for you

  5. I'd feel like an idiot for dating a g*y guy

  6. i would be extra mad..

    cuz dat ment i must have been so bad a gf dat he wanted a guy...

    i would feel stupid & very awkward!!

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