
How Would You Feel If Your Son Or Daughter ...?

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Told you they were or wanted to be p**n stars ..would you support them or totally be freaked out




  1. i would freak out

  2. I'd be totally freaked out. They would live to regret what they thought was fun and cool now.

  3. I can't be perfectly honest as I don't have kids. I imagine that I would be fairly shocked at first, then think I would be supportive. Any documentaries that I have watched about p**n movies, give the impression that the whole thing is really just a job, it is very rare for the actors to become intimately involved. I think that my son/daughter would be greatful for my support. It's far better than those eejits who sit on their backsides for years and expect us hard working folk to support them. Not sure if I would be able to watch them though!!!!

  4. I would not freak out but I would not support him or her either.   I would try and talk them out of it and find out why they felt they had no other option.  

  5. A little freaked but then we can't live their lives for them. I would not like it much but I would accept it.

  6. it wouldn't be my first choice of career for my daughter but as her mother I would stand by her no matter what.

  7. I would be totally freaked out. However, I hope to raise my children to be mature responsible adults that will make an honest living for themselves.  

  8. Actually, baby on board is wrong.  The actors in the p**n things are very regularly monitored health-wise, and are actually sexually healthier than many of the rest of us.

    Having s*x is always risky health-wise, is it not?

    Anyway, to answer your question, if she was over 25, I would see it as her choice, and none of my business.  Up to the age of 25, a person is immature, and I would encourage her to wait in that case.

    Once someone is adult, their career choice is their own business.  Do your parents have the right to dictate your career choice?

    I haven't watched that programme you've mentioned.  I am assuming it's talking about adults.

  9. I would ask y in the world would he ever want to do that. I would be sick to my stomach if i ever found out my child was a p**n star. Its degrading to men and women and their out look on life.  

  10. i hope i have got a open mind but that's one thing i do hate is p**n and my son knows this we have got a very good open relationship i would support them even though i would hate it and try my best to change there mind as i do think it can be a degrading job for anyone male or female but hey there choice and if they needed me i would be there

  11. I'd be freaked out for sure!

  12. Freak out!  I don't think I could accept it.

  13. i think it all depends on how you feel really and how old your child is, if your child is young then they will probably grow out of it, but if they are teens then i think it might just be a stage of rebellion, and you should leave them to it, i know that isn't really what you want to hear but once they realise how degrading it actually is they might not want to do it anyway, but personally i would be hurt and confused but if my child really wanted it that badly i'd support them but i'd also make sure they were doing it the safe way

  14. I would be very unhappy about it and no I wouldn't support their decision,  I would make my feelings very clear on the subject, however when they are adults, age of consent what would you be able to do about ? not much I think, although I would try bribery.

  15. well i have 2 daughters. but they are young, 3 and 1,

    and i think i would be very upset if my girls wanted to do something like that, emily she is 3 and she says she wants to own a flower store.

  16. It's their life so they would have my support - just don't ask me to watch it!!

  17. I would worry that I had not boosted them enough for them to have enough self confidence not to want to degrade themselves simply for money.  

  18. I think I would cry! My son is 4 and my daughter is 2 and I can't even IMAGINE them doing something like that! If they did they better not tell me about it! :)

  19. I'd call for an exorcist! :)  No, really....I'd tell them exactly what I thought about it.  p**n stars are essentially prostitutes.  They are paid to have s*x.  I would explain to them that s*x was designed for a husband and wife to show their love and enjoyment for one another and that it's a very personal thing.  p**n stars are almost always involved in drugs and they are at exceptionally high risk for STDs.  I would not support the career choice, but I will always love and support them.

  20. depends how old they were a young kid wouldnt really know what they are so i'd proberaly just laugh along a early teenager is proberly all caught up in hormones so again id just laugh along erm if they were a older teen ager 18plus i would sit down with them and have a serious chat!!!


  22. I would support them I would be upest and not want them too but i would support them...and All Pornstars do have to get Std checks

  23. freaked out totally.  

  24. Honestly, even thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach.

  25. oh god,I'd freak out if my girls told me that.

  26. I definitely would not support them at all. All p**n does is degrade human beings and turn them into s*x objects. It's unhealthy, unsafe, and there is a HUGE chance for STDs or AIDS. It's not a glamourous lifestyle, nor is it an acceptable one to w***e yourself out for money.  

  27. I would not be happy about not sure how I would take it from there

  28. I'd be totally freaked out at first.  I can't honestly say I'd be completely supportive, but I'd try to be understanding.  I mean, I wouldn't help them pick out what to wear and I wouldn't be at the shoots.  As long as they are of age (and living on their own), then they can do whatever they want.  I'd just have to accept the fact that they are adults and making their own decisions.  It doesn't mean I'd have to be happy about it though.  lol

  29. no that's well cool look at jordon look how successfully she is.


  31. I would be supportive of just about any career choice except one in the s*x industry. They have their bodies on display to anyone that wants to see them, and while I don't thinking having multiple partners in one lifetime is necessarily immoral (depends on the situation); I do believe over time, the p**n star would develop a lack of morals and a lost sense of self.

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