
How Would You Treat Me As an American In Your Country?

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I would love to be able to experience Europe, but I'm afraid of what Europeans might think of me, despite the clear difference between me and the American stereotype.

If I attempted to speak your language to ask for directions and it wasn't exactly perfect, would you be offended, even though I took the time to at least TRY and not demand that you speak my language in your country for my convenience?

I've heard that the French and the Italians especially don't like American tourists, but I'm not one of those loud obnoxious kind. I'd learn the culture, hang out with some locals, even learn the basic history. Picture taking would be discreet and I'd try not to get into anyone's way, but if anyone was blatantly rude to me just because I was American I don't think I'd take it very kindly.

So, to any Europeans - would you stop to help me on the street or speak to me in a cafe if I were quiet, respectful and kind, even though I'm an American, or would you still shun me?




  1. Most of the time they don't notice tourists anymore.

    Having been to France, Italy, Germany and many other European countries, all attempts to speak the local language are usually met with a positive reaction - even if you don't get it exactly right. They might be amused, and laugh a little, and correct you - but generally your gesture would be appreciated. After all, when you make mistakes in anything, they are an opportunity to learn from these, right?

    I've come across loud and obnoxious individuals from all backgrounds, so don't worry, they are treated as all such people are. Quiet, respectful and discreet people are always appreciated, everywhere in Europe.

  2. I'm an American living in the UK. Every six to eight weeks I get yelled at on the street by Brits who eavesdrop on my quiet voice and hear my accent. However, I don't live in a tourist area. I live in an area dominated by the British n**i, oops, I mean British National Party (BNP). They're almost like the KKK except you have to be white and British to meet their approval. I'm merely white.

    I grew up in a touristy area of the States and any person who lives in a touristy area knows it isn't smart to attack the tourists who bring in the money. If you stay in tourist areas you won't run into the nutters.

    I highly recommend traveling abroad. I studied abroad in college and loved it. You will have an amazing time and it will expand the way you think about the world in good ways.

    Australians are fabulous to hang out with and so are Canadians and New Zealanders. Brits are all right too.

    If you make and effort to speak the language you'll do fine. Pick up a Let's Go Europe or other travel book. My ancient Let's Go had the words "yes, no, please, thank you, etc." translated for each country. Even if you can't speak the language, "please" and "thank you" go a long way. The Berlitz language series is fab.

    It is foolish of Europeans to discourage Americans from traveling. On one hand they whine America doesn't understand them. On the other hand a select stupid minority harass American tourists and leave a lasting impression which Americans take home. The overwhelming majority of Europeans you will meet are amazing people with wonderful generous hearts.

  3. Dont bother about how people treat you, people are different, Be yourself, be proud being an American.

  4. lol...sorry I couldnt be bothered to read all you typed.

    When people go to america from europe do you sterotype, cos I from london and we are full of tourists and immigrants

    I dont think it will be a problem

    good luck.

  5. I lived in Germany for three years, and I'm an American.  Most Germans are used to travelers, and many restaurants will have menus in english for Americans.  If you try to speak Germany, for the most part they appreciate the effort, and will know that you are American and then they will speak english to help you.  Most Germans have taken several years of english in school, and many of them speak english better than we do!  I only had one bad experience in Germany, and it was in a little old town out of the way, and the really old guy at the restaurant didn't speak english, or my broken german.  Everyone else out of my three years was wonderful.  Take a german to english dictionary to help you on the way, and you will be fine!

  6. well... try to fit in and be yourself at the same time

  7. i am not really sure this is a valid place to get an accurate response to that question. i am quite sure there are welcoming europeans as well as rude ones. Furthermore is there an overabundance of loud obnoxious americans?? i will never forget the time i was visiting the statue of liberty. i was waiting in line in front of a couple speaking french. obviously they didnt know i spoke french as they proceeded to verbally chastize not only my country but but also their view of americans. i very politely and  quietly turned around and in french said if you dont like it dont come back. you should have seen the look on their faces... it was priceless. they were silent the rest of the tour. the point i am making is we all live on the same planet. people should be nice and respectful to one another no matter where one might be from..... it just takes one person and then they pass it on and so forth.... i am sure even europeanors would agree.

  8. I'd treat you with apprehension since you choose to unnecessairly capitalize each word in your question.

    There's nine extra keystrokes you've wasted-for what?

    Well, maybe enough apprehension to be funny, 'cuz I was mostly foolin'.

  9. I don't think you'd have any problems unless you met the European stereotype of a brash American! I'm from London and there are Americans here all the time.

    The best tips for going to Europe are 1. accept its different to the US, better or worse but different - thats why you travel! and 2. Learn a bit of the language - really helps in France and Eastern Europe (as you won't understand a thing)

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